Calculated to The Last Milisecond!


The Dark Stallion smashed through a dune, raising a gigantic sand cloud in its path.

The sand cloud made it impossible for the viewers to find out what happened to Felix. 

However, Sunny knew that he had blinked away from danger at the right moment.

'He has enough to pull one more blin...Huh? Where is he?!'

Sunny's carefree expression was stiffened after realizing that she couldn't sense Felix's exit point from his blink!

In fact, she couldn't even sense his gravitational waves that gave away his location all the time!

Soon, the tens of void rifts around her closed simultaneously, creating a chaotic space fluctuation all around her.

Sunny didn't care about it as she was smiling widely at the thought that Felix should have surrendered to avoid the Dark Stallion.

'Queen, did Landlord surren...'