A New Cheat To Hack The Runic System!

After Felix finished with his practice, he exited the practice hall and returned to his room, not bothering to call Selphie to teach him other techniques.

At the moment, his mind was consumed with learning teleportation spell.

"If Selphie was generous by giving me four years to master teleportation, then I really need to come up with something to step up my game." Felix pondered as he sat on his bed, "I know that grinding as many hours as possible a day will probably help me master teleportation before the war starts, but I can't invest twenty-four hours on a single spell."

Felix might be focusing primarily on runic spells at the moment, but it didn't mean that he had forgotten about his elemental abilities.

He was still investing at least three hours a day to master the advanced ability lightning transmutation.

So far, his development had helped him be able to transmute an entire arm into electricity!