A small Victory, But Unsatisfactory...

"As you wish."

Seeing that Fenrir was pretty adamant about the fight, no one bothered to talk sense into him anymore.

Since the Darkins weren't attending the council, Elder Aspidochelone could only send them another invite.

When they didn't respond, he said with an annoyed tone, "They aren't coming."

"Then, tell them about the clash and warn them if they ignored the challenge, they would be kicked out of the council." Thor said coldly.

This was one of the few moments where he regretted not being alive and still possessing his perfect manipulation.

He was extremely furious about this whole matter, yet he could do nothing to the Darkins besides cheering by Fenrir's side.

It didn't feel good one bit...

"I guess that's only fair." Erebus supported Thor's suggestion.

"I think the same."