Can't Move On...

A few minutes later after reciving the news...

The dim light of the evening sun spilled into the tavern, casting long, morose shadows that echoed the news that had arrived moments ago.

Noah, Bodidi, Selphie, and Olivia sat at a corner table, a half-empty bottle of mead, untouched, standing sentinel in the middle of the rough wooden surface.

A hush fell over the group, their faces mirroring the stark shock and disbelief that clung to them. The usually boisterous Bodidi, known for his hearty laughter and cheerful disposition, sat in stunned silence, his jovial eyes dimmed.

Selphie's usually radiant eyes, full of kindness and gentleness , were watery, a stray tear carving a path down her cheek.

She was frozen, her gaze locked onto the dancing flames of the hearth, as if hoping that this was a cruel joke and Felix would walk through the door at any moment, his signature smirk in place.