The Great Chase!

Apollo, his face a mask of sheer terror, darted through the void at a hundred times the speed of light with Felix limp in his arms. Felix, barely hanging on to consciousness, noticed the panic etched deep in Apollo's usually playful features.

"Why..." Felix's voice was a raspy whisper, trailing off as he struggled to form a coherent question.

"Just hang on, superstar," Apollo urged, his voice trembling as he glanced back, ensuring they weren't being followed by Uranus. "I've got you, but we need to move fast."

Felix attempted to nod, his mind foggy, feeling the last strands of his strength slipping away.

He wanted to ask more, to understand why Apollo, of all beings, had intervened. But the effort was too much...His eyelids grew unbearably heavy, the darkness of unconsciousness creeping in at the edges of his vision.