"What the hell!" Veronica yelled.

"The same pit from where you crawled out of." I yelled back laughing.

She ignored me and pointed ahead "Can't you guys see that?"

"Except for my missing army nothing." George complained.

"You can't?" she asked perplexed.

"Nope, but if you do, then quickly finish it." George ordered.

"James," George yelled for me "Get over here."

I dashed to where he was "Yeah? Just reminding you like you I can't see any threat."

"Get a-" he stopped the retort midway "Once the invisibility of that creature wears off be ready to destroy it, and spread the word to the others."

I nodded hurriedly and went to Alice and repeated George's message, who in turn went to Lysandra, when I hurried to Revlors, when Sorscha nodded uncertainly and Henry agreed.

Then I shouldered off my cape and summoned flames to my fingers, when suddenly it started raining, which suddenly turned into a storm, I looked at Veronica shocked at what she was doing, and saw that she couldn't hold this much longer, when I risked a glance at George he nodded-

"NOW!" he roared in a mighty earthshaking voice.

All six of us charged to the gates when Lysandra sent a blast of dark magic and had the gate explode, and Alice sent a wave of rippling darkness that temporarily showed where the beast was - an eight foot tall shaggy giant that stood on 2 legs and had a single tooth getting out of the center of its mouth and had poison dripping at it, and it's eyes were tiny- extremely tiny like the size of cherry's- and were perfectly round and it's ears were just slightly smaller than one of an ertis and it's feet and arms were about the same size meaning the thing had tiny arms and it's face was hidden by its fur and it had blood on that fur.

"Well Jamsie have you studied anything about that?" Lysandra yelled.

I racked my memory of the years I studied of this in my royal house.

"James seriously we're not joking here." George urged.

I recalled something of this sort and realized its invisibility wouldn't wear off and its main weakness was fire.

"Veronica stop the rain." I ordered.

She nodded weakly and raised her hand and dropped it in a sudden movement and the rain fall once more fiercely and didn't come again, then I called all my power and dug deeper and deeper through my pit of fire and when I looked up my body was heating so bad I felt like collapsing, but I managed to keep my body from falling and my magic in control "Do it again Alice." I croaked and this time when she sent wave, I created a series of fireballs and threw them one by one on the beast

and then I felt someone gripped my magic and pushed it out of me, too fast for me to react "Take cover," I croaked before my magic exploded, and the world went black.

"JAMES!!!" I screamed, suddenly my throat burning, my eyes getting teary, "WHERE IS THAT PRINCE?" I demanded.

Then I saw him "What happened?" he asked startled.

I lunged towards him and held him by his collar, he tried to make a shield but I broke through it, "You summoned that beast?" I growled.

He shook his head violently, "No, I didn't." his voice quivering, I didn't even care that he seemed so insignificant and weak.

"Then who, who, summoned that beast?" I shouted.

"I don't know, if I did, I'd tell you, I would tell you." He said his voice shaking.

I couldn't control my anger anymore -because I knew this royal ass was a deceiver, a liar, and a courtier, so no one would ever suspect him- I felt my hand going towards my swords hilt, and until I brandished my sword, I didn't hear Alice whisper, "George stop, killing him will only make matters worse."

I thought about that but then killing him, would also have an advantage, there would be a less enemy to fight, a less heir to enemy kingdom, who's other children would make horrible rulers "George," Alice whispered again "Do you think James would want this?" suddenly I felt like slapping myself, I didn't even think about the disadvantages, and if James would realize I killed someone in cold blood how would he ever look at me in the same way, how would I feel about this once I kill this man? "Leave, you have a day, to get out with the citizens or I'll have this land wiped off as if it never was there." I growled.

He nodded vigorously, and took off, I didn't look at him again.

"You said no one would be hurt." The spy said.

"It was necessary," I said, trying to sound persuasive, "with his flames against my darkness, he was too powerful."

"His flames are nothing compared to your darkness." The spy spat.

"Not mine, not mine, at all," I chuckled "But, yours easily, my dear, I saw it the first day I met him."

"You've met him?" the spy sounded startled.

"Not in this body, of course, but yes, I have and that day I knew I'd have to... get him out of the way."

"'Out of the way'" the spy mused "Meaning you want him eliminated."

I tried to send it away then but it made a shield, "Answer my question." The spy hissed.

"I won't," I promised, more plea, "At least until he comes at war against me."

"You know he will," its anger was so obvious, "You will, heal him no matter what, or your slimy little body, will be my lunch."

I smiled at the threat, "And what if I die, will you ever get to know your parents?"

That at least took it aback, "Will you ever get rid of your other part?" I continued.

"Enough!" It yelled.

I just smiled, "We both have our secrets, but yours will be mine soon."

"Admiral Jeanette White of Blimnir," I heard John say "What a

surprise, though it shouldn't be."

I walked up to him and saw he was sitting on the railing- how easy it would be to push him down and end his life- I got that thought out of my head. "Excuse me?" I asked.

"You too are going to help your brother to get one man with your entire fleet?" It was more statement than question.

"Not really, but why do you ask?" I asked calmly.

He seemed surprised "Oh, well he's taking his whole army, so I thought you'd take your whole fleet."

"Well, sorry he never said that but if that's what you assume, then you should listen more."

With that I went to a battleship I had planned to use to catch the Prince, as the prow was made of a special metal, Hislin, which can be created only by the Holy Queen, and compresses dark magic, and pulls it towards itself and then destroys it. The keel, was made to especially travel in the rough waves of Simsa and Filka, the two rough cities of the Dotek Kinsa and were famous for their navy, and that was where we might be going, and the banner was also for decoration purpose but mainly for shooting blasts of magic at the enemy and shielding the ship.

I glanced at John who was taken aback by the mythical ship, "Well, John hope you know that not only bragging isn't enough, but also doing something, is what gives you honor at the Holy Council."

Then the ship, took off to the port of Samuel's kingdom, Whiterome, and take the 30 he has waiting, and take him too.

I was still waiting at the golden port of Whiterome, which was the kingdom of our ancestors, but despite the fact being second eldest I inherited it, as my mother who was the previous queen thought me more worthy than Grant, so my brother had no choice but to either go down fighting or peacefully, and he chose the latter.

Still waiting when, the Silter- star of our planet- set, "Where is she?" I muttered to myself, for three hours me and my army were waiting for Jeanette and I knew getting a ship ready for travel even short distances would take time, but 30 people travelling on foot would also take a long time, but I couldn't blame her, for some reason I never saw her as the criminal, except once...

I got the thought out of my head, and started thinking that I was bored and when she reaches, I'll give her a thorough scolding, the thought didn't really help but it was better than nothing, so I started thinking about John and his snaky personality, I was thinking ways about how he was utterly useless and kick him out of the Council, sure I didn't need a reason, but I don't want the other Council Members to think I kicked him because of a stupid grudge, but because I didn't trust him, because of multiple reasons, every month he would leave for a week and would return later and his most recent thing, why didn't he take information out of the Prince, the thought was cut by Sophia my cousin and best friend ask me "Samuel everything okay?"

I nodded "Sophie would you mind coming to my tent," I glanced at her fiancé "Alone." I added.

She shrugged "Sure,"

Simon moved away, I thanked him, we entered my tent, I kept it the same as my soldiers so they should feel like in war saving me should be

the same as any soldier, Sophia didn't really like that rule, of us all being like equals in war, but nevertheless she followed it, and complained only when I made it the day I was promoted to a full member of The Holy Council, which wasn't something many people did, but in matters of war and people I like, I would keep things as fair as I could.

"When are we getting new tents?" Sophia asked, trying to sound as uninterested as possible.

I ignored her "Sophie, I love you and care for you as much as Jeanette, so I want to keep you safe and threats are rising from all the corners of the World."

"Aww, isn't that cute now." She teased "Well, let's think about this, what threats do you mean?"

"I can't even all trust the members of the Council, especially-"

She cut me off "John, eh?"

I nodded, "He just seems kind of shady,"

"Well, that's why you called me in?"

I glared at her, and she laughed her auburn hair, loose flying in the air, her laugh making most guys their train of thought, "Just kidding. Why do you find him traitorous?"

"I don't know, he just seems... out of place."

She pushed a strand of hair behind her, "I can't say it's because, of your latest fight with him," I glared at her, "Because you're always fighting with people."

"You aren't making this better for your next promotion." I warned.

She winked at me, "Don't worry, I'll manage."

I rolled my eyes, "Just remember, my instincts are never wrong, inheriting the godly straits of our ancestor."

"Yes, you're very godly." She teased.

"Just leave, please." I begged.

"I didn't annoy you now, did I?" she asked with mock surprise.

"Of course not, I just want some alone time." I retorted.

"Yeah, your brooding isn't enough, well can't blame you."

I just raised an eyebrow, "Now, perhaps you would go to your loving fiancé who would be waiting for a kiss by now."

"Let me assure you, we kissed once, so forget that now." And sashayed off, her hair bouncing behind her, and I chuckled to myself.

When I exited my tent, I saw Simon smiling at me, and Sophia glaring at me, no doubt meaning he read her mind, a useful power of him, but one he'd use a lot on his fiancée, which was quite funny but he wouldn't read the stuff she was really protective of, like her soul was partially ripped... and other dark secrets about her, some which she hasn't shared to me even.

"What happened?" I asked despite the fact I already knew.

"Your conversation with her was funny." He admitted.

"So, you read her mind?" I said knowing the answer was yes.

"General, you say as if it's that easy." Simon bragged.

"On the field, Samuel." I corrected.

He shrugged, "I only call you general on the field, but suit yourself."

I ignored that, "So, any sign of Jeanette?"

"According to Elizabeth, they're close." Sophia chimed in.

"For someone, who can shapeshift into a dragon, I'm sure." I said keeping my voice low.

"I can hear you!" a voice yelled.

I cursed under my breath, "Of course, how are you feeling Princess?"

"Heiress." She corrected.

I bowed exaggeratedly, "Of course, forgive me."

She rolled her eyes and went back chatting to her friends, "You guys should've at least told me she's here."

"Ugh, it should've been obvious," Sophia said disgusted, "How else would I have known that Jeanette is close?"

I nodded, "So, we have to wait for just a while longer?"

She nodded, "But I'm sure we also can't sleep first thing by entering the ship."

I shot a glare at her and Simon laughed, "Come on now, you can't be that sleepy."

"I'm not, but by the time she comes and we get our rooms and all, by then I will."

"We will, but first help their crew in the ship." I said firmly.

"But I know nothing of navy," she protested, "How will I help?"

"Then learn something new." I said leaving no room for debate, and walked to the front of the port, and near the horizon, I saw a black spot coming towards us.

I smiled to myself, "Could that be Admiral Jeanette."

Sophia stood right next to me, "It certainly could, or it could be your ex from three months ago."

I ignored her, "Tell the others to get ready."

Within five minutes the battleship reached the port, "Welcome late Admiral." Sophia scowled.

Jeanette chuckled, "There's my beautiful, warring cousin, I can explain my lateness."

"Please do." Elizabeth pled.

"A kraken came, which took us a while to capture, which caused older ones to come and we had to kill three of them and capture one of them."

"Are you hurt?" I asked concerned.

Jeanette seemed surprised at the change of my expression, "Only slightly, it just grazed part of my arm."

I sighed with relief and immediately felt guilty about wanting to yell at her and being annoyed with her being late.

"Well, I gotta say Admiral you've got a great brother, even if he doesn't listen to a thing his soldiers say."

Jeanette chuckled, "What happened while I was gone?"

"The peak of our amusement was while eating."

Simon smiled, "Also a great conversation between your brother and your cousin."

Sophia glared at him, "It was nothing."

"What? It wasn't that bad except for the fact of your confession." I argued.

"Well perhaps because it wasn't true..." Simon teased.

"Simon!" Sophia yelled.

He raised his hands up in surrender "I said nothing."

"Then keep your mouth shut." She snapped.

"Whatever you say milady."

I laughed, "You both can keep this up forever, but I think you should once you're alone in a room."

"Locked" Jeanette added.

"Of course," Simon agreed "But if you don't want rumors spreading about our 'early relationship' you should wait for a year."

"A year?" Sophia asked startled.

He frowned, "Yes, our marriage is due in a year."

"I thought it would be earlier..." her voice trailed off.

Timothy laughed from behind, "When it was my marriage shit going on,

Scarlet wanted to delay it and I was the one in a hurry."

"Your point?" Sophia snapped, clearly not appreciating the fact of him listening to their conversation.

"That usually guys are the one who want to have it done earlier." He explained.

"Well there's always a first for everything." She said gloomily.

"Besides you're like a kid, right now." He pardoned "What are you 18, 19?"


All the soldiers howled laughing, "And how many beds have you shared."

She scowled, "None, why are you asking such weird questions, in the first place."

He raised his hands, but his face was still red from laughing, "Just saying many people would like to share one with you."

I stepped forward and everyone silenced, "My cousin, certainly flirts with people but her virginity is as clean as a newborns', and she plans to keep it that way unless she gets married."

They nodded seriously and Sophia asked me quietly, "Have you shared any beds?"

I nodded, feeling awkward talking about this topic, when Jeanette- gods bless her- said "Well let's get going, we're wasting time and that's something we don't have much."

And we entered the battleship.