Yao Yuhan

Xu Nuan frowned hearing the crisp male voice from the other side. It was not Han Zihao, because he would have called her using his phone or if he had used another phone, she would have recognized his voice right away.

But who is this person introducing himself as 'Me' and not telling his name? Is this person stupid or what? Who introduced themselves like this?

" Hmm? Who?" She sat up with difficulty while groaning as her neck felt a little stiff due to her bad sleeping position. She did some neck stretches as she put the phone on the speaker and placed it on the bed.

The man could hear her groaning and her curses in a low voice while stretching. He was surprised and shocked to hear such uncultured words coming out of Xu Nuan's mouth.

He has always seen her as a quiet and low tempered person. Even though they never talked much in the past, he had observed her and she has a considerate and calm personality.