Gu Corporation's Anniversary (III).

Xu Nuan glances at Grandfather Gu in confusion and asks, " Grandfather, is there something that you want to talk about?" 

He shooed Xingren away by saying that he has something to talk to her, and rather than saying something he was looking at Xingren's back with darkened expressions. There was something amiss in his gaze, his eyes were gloomy and dark as he started at Xingren leaving which surprised her. 

Even though Xingren is not his biological granddaughter, after finding this he has always treated her like one and has given her everything best of best. But his sudden attitude change was confusing her. 

He took a deep breath and shook his head, " Nothing. I just want to ask you, how is your work? Is it hard?"

" It's exhausting and difficult but fun. I like it." she smiled which relieved him a little.