Gu Corporations Anniversary (V)

Yang Jian's face turned crimson in embarrassment when he heard her words. He looked around and realized that the video had ended and everyone was staring at him strangely as they all heard what she said. 

He gritted his teeth and glared at her wanting to teach her a lesson right away. However, instead of being afraid, she smirked at him and shrugged her shoulders casually, provoking even further. 

He clenched his fists in anger as he controlled himself for raising his hand on her in front of everyone, 'How dare she….'

" You...How dare you!! How dare you spout such lies about me? Huh? Are you doing this to get money from me? What a shameless-cheap bi*ch!" 

" I should have known that people like you can never grow up as a decent person. I am sure your parents must have abandoned you in the orphanage because they knew what kind of bi*ch you are." He scoffed at her, wanting to show her the place where she belongs.