New Face!!

The next day-

In the large classroom of the business department of Xin Lin university, most of the students were already seated and were waiting for the professor to start the first class of the day while some were still on the way. 

It was 8:30 in the morning and everyone was already exhausted thinking about the number of the classes that they have to attend after this one. 

Xingren, who was carrying the books in one hand and had her bag on the other shoulder entered the class with two of her friends and found a seat in the first row. The classes were resuming after two weeks of a break since the examination and it was not easy for her to come and face everyone since she failed to secure the top place. 

" Xingren, you must be disappointed, right? You studied so much for the exam and yet…" Her friend who was sitting beside her, glanced at her and asked in a worry.