He is back...

" Ah, finally it's over." Xu Nuan groaned tiredly as she closed the file and massaged her throbbing temples.

It's been a long week for her. After the incident at the club, Tan Hai got rusticated from the college. She was expecting an uproar in the college but surprisingly nobody from the students that were present at the party babbled about it, not even Tan Hai. 

He left the college, while those who attended the party avoided her as if she was a zombie. Only Ye Yijun talked to her like usual. Seems like he is not scared by her, unlike others. 

Meanwhile, Xingren's matter at the college has subsided to some extent too. Gu Zhang had gotten her to drop out of college but everyone knows that she had no choice but to leave the college. 

Who can dare to attend college after what happened?