Morning surprise!!

The next morning, 

Xu Nuan was sleeping when her phone suddenly started ringing. She didn't wake up when it rang for the first time, but when it started ringing for the second time, she couldn't ignore it. 

She groaned while tiredly raising her head to look for her phone, " Argh….who is calling early in the morning?" 

" Ah, my neck!" She cried in pain when her neck made a crack sound due to stiffness. She sat up straight and massaged her neck while looking for her phone through the mess around her. 

Last night, after completing the work, she fell asleep in the living room while checking for more issues that needed to be fixed in the security system of Gu enterprises. 

Along with the laptop and notebook on the table, coffee mugs and the empty chips packet were taking all the remaining space. 

She didn't sleep on the couch, instead, she slept in the sitting position, with her back and head against the couch for support.