Tye Tye

Han Zihao was in the meeting when his phone buzzed. Unlike before, he didn't ignore the text message notification and checked his phone. 

He had sent Xu Nuan a message sometime ago that he will be late today due to some work and asked her to have dinner without him and sleep early. 

However, she didn't reply to his message. Seems like she saw the message late. 

All the employees were surprised when he stopped the meeting just to check a text message. 

If this was before, he would have lashed out at Feng Sheng for not putting his phone on silent and disturbing the flow of the meeting. 

He doesn't like such disturbances while working, that's why everyone was instructed to strictly put their phones on silent before entering the conference room. 

They were discussing the possible strategies for the current projects and one employee was giving the presentation to propose an idea when Han Zihao raised his hand to put the meeting on hold.