Office Visit (III)

The room fell into a suffocating silence after Grandfather Jiang said those words. Was he saying that the company was not doing fine under the management of Jiang Ru and Jiang Yahui?

  " Mr. Chairman, what do you mean by this? What's wrong….with the workings of the company? Everything was going according to the working boundaries that you have set in the past. What could have gone wrong?" Jiang Ru dared to question him about his suggestive statement. 

Is he trying to blame her and her father for not handling the company well? What does he mean by that company was not working fine? 

She and her father have been taking all the decisions in the past year and everything was going well.  Even the problematic board members and others who used to doubt her capability didn't question her and supported her decisions.

How can he come and make such remarks in front of everyone? Is he looking down on them?
