Are you Pregnant?

Moonriver cafe-

" Madam, are you okay? Your face doesn't look good." The girl asked Luo Dan as soon as she entered the cafe. She was cleaning the table when Luo Dan and Jia Fei entered the cafe, both of them were looking exhausted and haggard. 

Their faces were pale and had dark circles under their eyes. Their condition was so bad that even makeup couldn't hide their dull complexion. 

Exactly what had happened that made them look like this? 

She glanced at Jia Fei in concern but couldn't ask her anything, so she directed her question to Luo Dan. Jia Fei's intimidating look was enough to stop her from asking any questions to her. 

Luo Dan massaged the area under her ears with her cool fingers gently and answered in a grunting voice, " I am fine. We just drank too much last night. Can you get me medicine for a hangover from the pharmacy?" She asked.