Breathing Creature.

" Do…Do you want some water?" Han Liang asked hesitantly to dissipate the awkwardness in the room. 

Luo Dan nervously clasped her hands and shook her head, " Ah, No thanks. Should..should I pour some for you?" She asked in return, wondering if he was thirsty. 

" Oh, No No. I was just wondering if you need some water. I am fine. Thank you." He responded immediately, feeling embarrassed. He was trying to dissipate the awkwardness between them but things became even more awkward than before. 

After the movie appointment, their relationship should have gotten better and more comfortable with each other but why does it feel that things became a bit too uncomfortable between them. 

  Before leaving the room, Xu Nuan held onto his wrist and told him to not be chickenhearted and speak directly, like the way he acted a while ago on the phone.