Who is the Culprint (Conclusion)

Han Zihao was speechless when he heard Grandfather Jiang's words. He never thought that this old man was hiding so many secrets deep in his heart. 

" So…you're saying that….Jiang Yue's parents' accident, wasn't an accident as well? How…How can it be? Didn't the police carry out the investigation after the accident? How can there be nothing to be found?" 

He was also surprised how Jiang Ru was the one who asked someone to kill Jiang Yue and portray it as an accident so that no one will not doubt her even a bit. On top of her planned accident, Hao Mei and Qin Ju's shady plans turned the tables and caused everyone's attention to shift towards them. 

Even if it was proven to be an accident, it will be blamed on Hao Mei or Qin Ju but there was no link that was hinting towards anyone else in this case. In any way, Jiang Ru was safe from blame.