"Hey! Isn't the weather very romantic today?" Jia Fei said to the receptionist with a bright smile as she entered the company. 

The receptionist was used to Jia Fei's cranky mood and indifferent greeting, she was caught off guard when she greeted her so excitedly and was even smiling brightly at her. 

'Is something going on today?' She wondered while looking around her suspiciously. 

"Erh….Yeah. It's a great day indeed." She said hesitantly, wondering in what way it is romantic weather today. 

Since morning, the dark clouds are covering the sky, making the whole city gloomy and dark when it was supposed to be sunny and bright.

Not only that, it has been pouring outside for hours when it's not even a rainy season and she is not sure in what way it's romantic weather. 

'It's more like cranky, unexpected weather. Not a romantic one.'