French Kiss?

After speaking and defending her stance, Xu Nuan hesitantly glanced at Han Zihao to observe his expression. She was worried that after finding out that she was actively working as a hacker, he might look at her differently. 

Although she did this only to expose the bad deeds of Qin Ju and Hao Mei in front of the world and doesn't harm the innocent in any way with her technological skills. She would understand if he starts to think differently about her after finding out that she was actively working as a hacker and had been involved in many underground games and hacking competitions. 

Because to some people, this kind of work might sound inappropriate, especially when it involves the risk of being caught and getting punished.

She rubbed her hands nervously as she waited for him to say something. After a few moments of suffocating silence, Han Zihao finally spoke up. However, his words left her speechless and make her wonder how can someone be so perfect.