Wedding IX

Gu Xingren didn't say anything and tried to ignore her mother's unnecessary comment. However, Lin Ran didn't stop and continued with her judgemental comments. 

"Xingren, did you see Yuhan? I can't believe this shameless girl invited him. He broke up with you yet she invited him to her wedding. She is truly an ungrateful girl."

"Also, how can he get a new girlfriend so soon? Does he really have to embarrass our family like this in public by coming with his girlfriend when he knows that we will be here as well?" She continued with her grumbling like an unstoppable gossip aunty. 

"By the way, did you see Yuhan's new girlfriend? I can't believe that after breaking up with you, he is now together with a cheap dancer. Hmph! I heard that his mother doesn't like his new girlfriend and was saying that her son deserves better in front of others. She was even looking for girls to match up with him." She happily told him.