Are you looking for me, Mr. Husband?

The after-party started when the bride and groom raised a toast for the guests who attended their wedding and officially commenced the party to celebrate their togetherness. 

Han Liang, who was in charge of the arrangements, signaled the manager and asked him to change the mood of the night. 

From the formal white lights, the disco lights turned on and the loud party music was playing in the background. 

The tables were put away to make more space for everyone to hit the dance floor and enjoy the night. 

Han Liang ran to the stage and took the mic and shouted excitedly, "Tonight, I want everyone to be on the dance floor. No one is going back without showcasing your killing moves. LET'S GOO!!" 

Jia Fei joined Han Liang in the fun and raised her glass of champagne and shouted, "Woohoo! Let's Goo!" 
