First and Forever Love

Everyone held their breaths as they watched Xu Nuan adjust the cords of her guitar and instruct the bandmates behind her. For some reason, they were feeling nervous for her. 

"I am so excited. I am sure whatever it will be, it will be beautiful." Grandmother Han cheered on Xu Nuan like her number one fan. 

Grandfather Han looked at his wife and smiled to see her standing with both of her hands clasped near her chest in anticipation. She was smiling in a daze and was ready to applaud Xu Nuan as she waited for her to start the performance. 

While everyone was eagerly anticipating Xu Nuan's performance, Lin Ran was frowning in the corner. 

"Why does she have to sing on a night like this? There are so many guests and this way, she is going to ruin our family's reputation." She sighed and face-palmed herself with one hand in embarrassment.