Morning Kiss?

The exquisite wedding night faded away as the morning dawned. Sunlight gently streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow upon the newlyweds who lay nestled in each other's arms, peacefully lost in slumber.

"Ugh…" Xu Nuan groaned, rousing from her slumber. She blinked drowsily, gradually opening her eyes to find herself gazing up at the pristine white ceiling above her.

In that instant, she became aware that she wasn't in the comfort of their bedroom, but rather in the opulent master bedroom of their suite at the Jade Hotel.

"Oh!" she gasped, a mixture of surprise and disappointment washing over her as she realized it was already morning, and she had slept through the entirety of their first night together.

Exhausted, she let out a weary sigh and longed to stretch her arms. Her entire body throbbed with fatigue, making her realize that she had indeed pushed herself too far the previous night.