Guardian Jia Fei.

Xu Nuan let out a sigh when she saw Jia Fei enjoying her carefree attitude. Meanwhile, Xu Nuan had been stressing out all morning over the mess she had created, while Jia Fei seemed to be living her best life without a care in the world.

After their week-long honeymoon, they had only arrived back home last night, looking forward to a whole day of relaxation and pampering with a full-body spa. Xu Nuan desperately needed it to shake off the stress that Han Zihao had put her through in the past few days.

That man was insatiable. The moment the doctor gave them the green light, he went all out during their honeymoon. They were at it almost every night, and instead of exploring famous places during the day, Xu Nuan had to stay at the mansion to rest and recover from the exhaustion he had caused her.