Dating Scandal II

Yu Entertainment

"What on earth is this? What absolute nonsense!" Yuhan thundered, his fury mounting as he slammed his working desk upon encountering the inappropriate articles about Jia Fei. 

While diligently working in his office, Yuhan was interrupted by his secretary rushing in, visibly flustered, as she presented him with an article detailing Jia Fei's involvement in a dating scandal with the CEO of Y Entertainment Company.

Having personally witnessed Yuhan and Jia Fei engaging in an intimate encounter within his office, the secretary comprehended the nature of their relationship. As a devoted secretary to Yuhan, it was her responsibility to maintain absolute discretion and refrain from divulging any information.

That's why, whenever Jia Fei paid a visit to the company, she took extra precautions by using the exclusive executive elevator, ensuring her presence remained strictly confidential.