She should have died

'Damn it!'  Lin Ran groaned inwardly, taking in the gloomy faces of everyone gathered in the living room. She instantly knew this night would be anything but peaceful—a storm was coming her way.

"That scheming witch," she muttered under her breath, cursing Xu Nuan with a mix of annoyance and disdain.

That girl never did a single decent thing for her mother or the family. Instead, she was always at the forefront of seeking revenge or causing trouble, like a whirlwind wreaking havoc.

Hence, Lin Ran couldn't digest the bitter reality that she had given birth to such an audacious and uncultivated girl, a fact that still lingered in her mind like an indigestible truth.

Fidgeting nervously with her handbag, she took a deep breath, gathering the courage to face the situation head-on instead of running away. She decided to put on a show of normalcy, pretending that everything was fine, just like an actor playing their part flawlessly on stage.