Congratulations, it's a baby girl!

A while ago, Han Zihao was stuck in his hotel room in the middle of some serious business talk. Even though it was late into the night, he was determined to finish all his work so he could rush back to his wife, Xu Nuan. 

Feng Sheng had a hard time persuading everyone to continue working through the night, making an excuse that they would have to return early in the morning for more work. 

The catch? Han Zihao was keen to wrap up quickly so he could get back to his wife. Important work was simply an excuse. 

While Han Zihao was busy with his meeting, Feng Sheng, who was sitting next to him taking notes, felt his phone vibrate. He was about to dismiss the call to avoid disturbing the meeting, but when he saw it was Han Liang calling, he decided to answer. 

He knew Liang wouldn't call him in the middle of the night for no reason.

  It had to be important.