The wedding

Hey guys so last chapter was long so I promise this one won't be hopefully y'all enjoy an early chapter

Aryanna out🤍✨


You wake up with a pounding headache you sit up and realize your not in the bed you look around and see your in the living room! I guess I must've passed out I stand up and Im sore? What the hell did I do last night I looked down I was naked and it came to my head everything


"Are you sure?" He mumbled through the kiss

"I'm sure"


My eyes widen oh my god I had se-

"Good morning princess"I hear from the ground

"Good morning"i smiled laying back down despite being naked he layed back down and I put my head on his chest

"So do you know what happened last night?"I asked seeing if he'd remember He runs his hand through my h/c hair

"Yea...are you hurt did I hurt you?!"he said in a worried voice

"Calm down you didn't hurt me,I...enjoyed it"I said smiling against his chest

"Y-you did?"he asked I looked up and smiled

"Yes I did"


"Am- Am I hurting you" he stopped to make sure

"N- No"i shivered


"Well i did to"he smirked

"We should do that more often"He said a sly smirk across his face I hit his chest gently

"John Laurens!"i scolded playfully making him laugh I laid my head back on his chest and soon got lost in thought leading into sleep

~day of Eliza and Alexander's wedding~

There I was trying to calm down a distressed Eliza

"Eliza come on he loves you and only you!"I said grabbing a tissue and lightly patting it under her eyes When Angelica came in

"Oh Eliza! It's okay"she said hugging her sister after Angelica placed a veil on elizas head just then Mr.Schuyler walked in

"It's time"he said with a proud smile on his face I finished fixing her makeup I placed a friendly kiss on her head then gave her a reassuring smile before walking out and taking my place next to John the music started playing

Angelica was her maid of honor at her wedding me and Peggy were bridesmaids,John was the best man and Lafayette was the groomsmen herc was the flower girl or boy

Angelica walked out with John next to Alexander and waiting for Eliza and the rest

Lafayette and Peggy walked out Lafayette whispering something that made Peggy make a shocked face

Then me I was by myself but I didn't mind Then Herc throwing the flowers

And then Eliza she looked so beautiful in her wedding dress all I could think is that one day very soon that's going to be me and John up on the altar I smiled at the thought

The ceremony went on as normally as you would think

~skip to the reception~

Me and John were sitting next to each other drinking champagne

"Well you look absolutely gorgeous"John said with a big smile

"Aww John thank you you look very handsome"I laid my head on his shoulder

"You wanna know what I was thinking when Eliza was walking down the isle?"he asked putting his arm around my shoulder

"What were you thinking?"I looked up at him

"I was thinking that one day very soon that's gonna be us"I pulled my head off and smiled at him

"I love you and I really can't wait to marry you"I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips and then it was times for Angelicas speech John stood up with his drink in hand as long with Angelicas drink

"All right, all right, that's what I'm talking about! Now, everyone give it up for the maid of honor, Angelica Schuyler!"he handed Angelica the drink and walked back to me putting his arm around my waist Angelica raised her drink and smiled

"A toast to the groom!To the bride!From your Sister who is always by your side"she smiled and turned to Peggy pulling her in a small hug before continuing

"To your union!And the hope that you provide! May you always be satisfied!"there was an applaud she ran out after I guess I was the only one who noticed but I know why but I also knew she needed some time alone so I let her,be poor Angelica I feel bad for her

"So y/n?"Alexander walked up to me and John

"Yes Alexander" I giggled

"When's the wedding"he asked pointing in between me and John

"Hopefully after you guys come back from the war"I looked up at him for reassurance he nodded and squeezed my shoulder

"Well I better be best man"he joked

"Nah I'm picking burr"John said but I knew he was joking Alexander's his best friend

"What!well anyway I'm sorry y/n but I'm stealing him"he grabbed his wrist and pulled him along with the other boys out into the garden

The rest of the reception was fun everyone was laughing having fun and dancing it was now 10:00 people were heading home so I started looking for so John when I felt a hand snake around my waist I stood still not know who was holding me until I heard his drunken voice

"I may not live to see our glory"it was John oh thank god

"John let's go home!"I said pulling his arm as we said bye to everyone one

When we got home all I did was throw myself on the bed as did John I was so tired I just feel asleep cuddling John

~end of chapter~

Hey y'all hopefully y'all like the chapter the next one will be put up this Sunday so yea love y'all also thanks for 800 reads Ilysm bye turtles

Aryanna out🤍✨