The Eagles 2

That shocker by Kawanishi seemed to have fueled the drive of Shiratorizawa because they scored four consecutive points right after that block. 8 – 11, Shiratorizawa. This prompted Coach Soma to call for a short break.

"Alright, I have a theory and I don't know if you noticed this, but the setter seems to be very calculating in giving out his tosses." The coach said.

"What do you mean, coach?" Kouha asked.

"It seems that he's only choosing to set for those whom he trusts – like that bowl-cut and the orange-haired blocker. I deduced that they must be players from the previous line-up. In other words, the setter isn't used to tossing yet to the new members of the team. Do you see where I'm going at this?"

"We need to mark those two, so the setter will try to toss to others. Is that right? But wouldn't that backfire for us?" Maki responded to the coach.

"No, I don't think so." Hiro commented. "If he'll toss to those players who he's not yet used to, the tosses are sub-par compared to his tosses with bowl-cut and orange-hair. It won't be as speedy and precise, so we can still dig the ball whenever anyone else hits it."

"Exactly." The coach nodded in approval.

"I'll try to force him to make mistakes. I bet he only tosses to those good spikers for his own self-satisfaction too. He feels proud whenever they score from his tosses." Kouen suddenly said out of nowhere.

"Well, let's do it then." Gaito piped in.

"Shiroshikata, fight!" Maki said, and everyone else responded "Fight!"

The ball was served from Shiratorizawa's side and it was received by Gaito. It went to Kouen made a quick toss in the middle, which Hiro scored for them. 9 – 11, Shiratorizawa.

11 – 11.

13 – 14, Shiratorizawa.

16 – 16.

Shiratorizawa scored the last point so Goshiki served from their end. The ball was received by Maki and Kouen got the ball for a toss to Kouha. The libero from Shiratorizawa got a dig under it, and the ball arced towards Shirabu, and three of their attackers moved together to take the toss.

The setter did not give away anything for Hiro to know whom he'll toss to. 'The ace was in the farther side to the left, their other hitter was nearer to the setter. The third attacker was in the right, bracing for a spike. But behind him…. there you are…'

He deduced that the three attackers were all decoys. Kouen and Toshiro jumped together in the middle, but Hiro ran further to the right and delayed his jump. 'Bingo.' The toss was released when the third attacker's form was going down, and the guy behind him jumped for the back attack.

'Personal time difference attacks don't work on me' Hiro's eyes seem to be telling Shirabu.

'Dammit, this guy's like the glasses boy from Karasuno!' Shirabu thought.

Hiro committed himself and jumped at the perfect time for a kill block. Point for Shiroshikata. They are now in the lead at 17 – 16.

"Hiro, nice block!" Maki clapped his back.

Maki served again and this time, he aimed it at the Shirabu. The setter got it up, "Follow!"

"Tanaga-san!" Goshiki got the second touch and passed the ball towards their opposite hitter. He hit it from the middle but Toshiro was able to receive it. Kouen got the next touch and he set it towards Kouha in the left. His spike was deflected and the ball was raised by Yamagata, Shiratorizawa's libero, and it made a nice, long arc where their right side hitter was able to make a decent spike from it. The ball hit Maki-san's hand before it went out of bounds. The score is tied again.

Tanaga served and Toshiro saved it. Kouen's set went to Maki but his spike was also received on the other end. The chance ball was received by Kouha and he passed it to Kouen, who made a set for Hiro.

Two blockers were there to react, but a little bend to the left and they have no way of stopping Hiro's southpaw spike. 18 – 17, Shiroshikata.

'Grrrr left-handed people!' Goshiki was fuming inside.

Now it's Kouen's turn to serve and Kakuzo went out for Gaito. His first jump serve was a no-touch ace and the second was shakily raised by Shirabu. "Sorry, please cover!"

One of them hustled for the save and it was all they can do to return the ball to the Stags' side. When it did, Gaito bumped it towards Kouen, who tossed to Kouha.

"Nice kill, Kouha-senpai!" Asuma cheered from the bench. 20 - 17, Shiroshikata.

Kouen made another nasty serve which was received with difficulty by the opposing team. The ball arced properly this time to Shirabu, who tossed it to their ace, and they were finally able to force a side out.

Each time the Stags tries to slip away, the Eagles manage to get a single point. But that's about it. Their effort is futile, for the engines of Shiroshikata are working like a well-oiled machine. No one seems to be out of the game, and each play connects seemingly in their favor ever since they got their momentum. The siblings became the monsters that they are, and the guardian duo of Maki and Gaito prevented any ball from falling needlessly on their side of the court. In riding this momentum, they finally arrive at match point. Hiro was rotated out then while the final point is in play.

Kakuzo served and when it was received, the ball just went back directly to their side. As it was about to cross the net, Kouha did a direct, and that settled the game for the Stags. Shiroshikata won in this one-set match, 25 – 23.


The coaches were talking about the game and Hiro overheard a bit of their conversation.

Coach Washijo: "It was a good game, Coach Soma. Your boys at Nara are sure doing great in the past tournaments. You've got a more solid defense in the middle, and my spikers can barely get by."

Coach Soma: "I'm grateful for the compliments, Coach Washijo. Thank you for the game. But your team isn't anything inferior either. I'm sure they will dominate in your prefecture."

Coach Washijo: "How I wish."

Coach Soma: "What do you mean by that? You've always made it to the championships."

Coach Washijo: "Indeed. But new forces are awakening at Miyagi. Lots of them – and if don't become stronger, Shiratorizawa will no longer be the intense force to be reckoned with in our prefecture."

Coach Soma: "You must be still reeling from that upset last year."

Coach Washijo: "Nahaha, I've moved on. I just came upon a realization."

Coach Soma: "And that is?"

Coach Washijo: "Those who are always hungry will never be full."

Coach Soma: ??

Coach Washijo: "A murder of crows for instance, might be capable of taking down a mighty eagle, so as the roaming stags, might be hunted to extinction by more unknown forces."

Hiro thought that the conversation was getting more and more philosophical because of Shiratorizawa's coach, who further said:

Coach Washijo: "Last time, I bumped into a kid who's always hungry, and I remembered myself from that kid. The overwhelming sense of hunger that is experienced in trying to overcome a wall of pure physical strength. Whether one is conscious of it or not, whether it exerts a positive or a negative impact, it is something that well and truly exists. For people like us, what is bestowed upon are not those innate talents, but that insatiable hunger."

The old coach looked closely now at Coach Soma.

Coach Washijo: "Be careful, Coach Soma. You might encounter people like this kid too. And once you do, hone them, and let their hunger invade you too. Take the risk, and surprise me with your decisions."