Chapter Six

I stared blankly at Mr. Parker, the physics teacher talking gibberish wondering if I'm dumb or just unserious. It was funny how others were attentively listening to this gibberish, nodding in agreement to whatever came out of his mouth. They are not normal, I don't think they are normal.

But what was more funny but not funny was how my high spirits immediately turned to drowsiness when Mr. Parker's period came around. It was as though he came in with sleep spirits and they were only interested in me. I know I'm beautiful but please I don't do spirits. For more than an hour I've been battling sleep by taking note of the number of times Mr. Parker smiled when the class affirmed that they understood his explanations but I got tired when I reached three hundred and five. He was smiling so damn much today. He loves when his students enjoys his teachings. In the end I won against sleep, don't ask me how, but it was a bloody battle and hatred for detention was the driving force.

Something like this always happened in every physics class. I performed excellently well in other subjects but physics had never been my forte, it was just too hard. But then again I was never bothered because I was contented with my consistent D. I know right, it's really a miracle.

"Miss Hamilton please come forward and help the class solve the question on the board". Mr. Parker pointed over me with the white board marker or it was it at me?

"Me?" I looked over my shoulders hoping another person would just stand up and walk over to the board but they were all looking at me. I must have after all lost to the sleep spirits and fallen asleep because this must be a dream. Someone should pinch me or even pull my hair, William where are you? I want to wake up!

This dream was fast becoming a nightmare. I looked at Mr. Parker and asked again praying he would say __ why would I call you? You know nothing. At this point in my life I would be delighted to hear him say that.

"Yes please. I believe you're the only miss Hamilton we have in this class". Oh no, this is really happening. This has never happened! I almost cried out.

Pulling myself together, I put on my smart face and looked at the topic for the first time. Radioactivity. I smiled unable to believe my bad luck. Of all the topics in the year's scheme why did it have to be you? I looked at the supposed question and laughed. "Is that the question?"

A puzzled Mr. Parker answered. " Yes, why?"

"Sir, please let's move on. That question is too simple". It's not! It's not friendly either, it looked like it was sticking out it's tongue at me. "In fact Sir, the answer is already in the question".

He was pleased that I found it easy which meant that I totally understood what he had taught. If only he could read minds. "Really? Then go ahead and point out the answer to the class". This man wasn't going to budge.

I worked my brain thinking of excuses to come up with when Nora one of the class's brainiacs spoke up. "Sir she's right. Its way too simple. How can you ask her to work it out for us?" Oh Nora, you are wonderful. Phew(a sigh of relief) . If someone had told me I would be this grateful to Nora  I'd have spitted in the person's face. "Even a fifth grader wouldn't hesitate before this question?" I looked at her hoping that was an insincere exaggeration.

"The last time I checked Miss Gordon I'm the only teacher in this class".  Mr. Parker was no longer smiling.

"Check again". I muttered under my breath.

The teacher's brows came together, "I didn't quite catch that".

"It was nothing". I quicky muttered.

"Then save our time and quickly come forward".

Cold sweat broke out on my forehead and here I was thinking it was over. Is there no way out? God please you're the only one that can save me right now. Do something, anything to save me from this impending disgrace and I'll make sure not to miss Mass on Sunday. Please Lord  save your humble daughter.

I slowly made my way to the board dreading each step.

He was becoming impatient. "You could do well to fasten your pace".

"I'm just unhappy that I have to solve such a simple question is all". I grumbled.

As soon as I collected the marker from him the bell for lunch rang. I froze in shock and extreme happiness. It was all I could do not to jump up shouting alleluia. Everybody immediately gathered their things and shuffled out of the class. It was a complete miracle. I took one look at Mr. Parker's disappointed face and bursted out in laughter. He murmured something about me not going to be able to escape it next time and collected his marker.

"Next time I'll be more than prepared if not, another miracle can always happen". I smiled sweetly at him. I was willing to do anything to prepare for that next time, anything to avoid the disgrace that almost befell me now. Should I do an exorcism to chase the sleep spirits he brings with him? Maybe if I'm not always fighting with his sleep spirits I can concentrate. Or I can always ask Sam to tutor me.

Speaking of Sam, I hurriedly gathered my things. I was the last to leave the class. Sam was outside the class, leaning on the wall, headphones on, eyes closed, hands in jeans and a foot gently tapping to the beat of whatever music he was listening to. He looked like a model advertising headphones. I smiled at the beautiful sight and the fact that he was mine made me smile wider. Did I sound so possessive right now? I must be getting old.  He grew handsomer with each passing day.

He must have felt eyes on him because he suddenly straightened and opened his eyes. On seeing me he turned off his headphones and released a lazy smile.

That smile completely undid me. I closed the distance between us and threw myself at him in a hug, filling my nostrils with his masculin scent.

Sam chuckled wrapping his arms round me. "Aw babe you missed me this much?"

I nodded against his chest.  I raised my face up to his and pouted my lips for a kiss. The hallway was empty except for a few people. He smiled and bent his head as though to kiss me and I closed my eyes expectant but what touched my lips was something else.

I frowned and opened my eyes. Sam was stifling laughter and pressing his handkerchief to my lips. "What's this?"

"It's no PDA. It's against the school's rules".

"Says the person who keeps on skipping classes? I don't care besides no one is here. Just one quick kiss. I know you want it too, come on". I raised myself on tiptoes and went for his lips but he put the hanky between our lips. I quickly moved to the side but he was faster.

I angrily punched his stomach and walked off. "Don't talk to me again".

He caught up with me and linked his arms with mine. "I know you don't mean that".

"I'm trying to mean it". It would never be possible. Sam laughed at me, we both knew the truth.

We stopped at my locker and after dropping my books inside we continued to the cafeteria.

"You can't get enough of me right?" Sam questioned. I did not have to look at him to know that he was smirking. "Don't worry Darling we have enough time to ourselves after school hours. Your house or mine?"

" None". I hissed.

" None? Ah a hotel then. It'll be expensive but I can afford it, no worries".

" You're crazy".

" Over you babe".

We reached the cafeteria and Sam led me to an empty table in a corner and went off to get our food. I watched him go smiling. It has been like this for a while. To say the least I've been happy, every minute with Sam has been pure bliss.

I noticed Mirabel and her friends across the room giving me the bad eye. I blew kisses at them, they huffed and looked away. I couldn't care less about them. I was okay now. She must've done something because no one bothered me any longer. It's not like people were now interested in me or anything like that but a few say hello every now and then. All in all, the past couple of days have been wonderful.

Sam returned with two trays each containing a plate of spaghetti, an apple and a bottle of soda. He placed a tray in front of me and gave a mock bow before taking a seat facing me. "Enjoy milady".

I giggled my thanks and picked up my fork. Not really feeling like eating, I dropped it down and picked up the apple.

Sam was already devouring his food. Did I forget to mention that he was a big eater? I could never get used to his appetite. Soon he would come up with a flimsy excuse to eat my portion. I waited, curious to know what he'll say this time. "Slow down will you? You could choke".

He cleared his plate and moved it aside. If he was alone I'm pretty sure he would've licked it clean. Okay, that was a joke. He smiled at me innocently and glanced at my full plate. Here it comes. "You haven't touched your food yet babe. Oh, you're on a diet?" I did not reply but he went on anyway. " I get that you want to keep in shape for me but I don't want you going hungry".

I stared at him in disbelief. He was so good at cooking up rubbish that he never failed to render me speechless. Dieting indeed, that's the last thing I'll do on earth. He twirled my fork in my spags picking up as much as possible and held it to my mouth. "Say ahhh".

No way. "Sam people are watching".

"Who cares?" Sam drawled.

"What happened to the no PDA rule?" I threw at him remembering when he had refused me a kiss.

Sam grinned. "This is a different matter babe. Say ahhh". I opened my mouth to argue and at once he stuffed it into my mouth. "There's a good girl". He commended me sweetly. " Now I'll support you like a good boy and help you take care of the rest. You shouldn't eat too much of this, its abundant in calories". Sam winked at me and started wolfing it down.

"Where did you see that spaghetti has too much calories". Let's see how he'll jump over this one.

He did not even need time to think of an answer. "You have angelic eyes it'd be impossible not to see everything there". He said between mouthsful.

"Shut up". When did he grow a sugar-coated tongue?

I bit into my apple and the mischievous side of me sprang up. It's payback time. I chewed and made provocative sounds loud enough for only Sam's ears. "Mm hmm this is soo good". I quietly moaned in pleasure.

Sam started coughing. I laughed satisfied with his reaction.

But Sam was still coughing, his flushed skin was slowly turning blue. I became alarmed. "Are you okay?" I stood up and ran to him. I started slapping his back but he wouldn't stop. He fell from his seat to the floor coughing forcefully. "Sam! Oh my God".

Everyone abandoned their lunch and gathered around concerned. "Call 911! Get a teacher or the nurse please! I think he's choking". I shouted to no one in particular. I started sobbing really afraid. It's all my fault. Someone ran to do my bidding.

Two male teachers pushed through the gathering into the small circle. One of them made the students move back for free flow of air.

The other one calmly told someone to call 911. He then pulled Sam up and gave him five back blows. After that he performed five abdominal thrusts on Sam. I watched them in agony praying it wouldn't result in asphyxia.

Oh God please don't let him die, it was a harmless joke just for fun not death.