Chapter Twenty-Three

It was sickening to watch.

Samson and a girl were getting pretty hot and heavy by a corner. They felt each other up, their hands not caring where they went. They got no shame did they? People were watching for goodness sake and for crying out loud this was a public area. Oh, actually, I thought as I looked around... I was the only one interested in their romance, everyone else were busy with their own thing. Samson caught me looking and winked while his tongue was making it's home in the slicky world of someone's mouth. 𝘏𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘦?

I shivered in disgust and continued on my way, partially blocking my view of the horrendous sight with my hand. What did I care what they did with themselves in public or private?

The periods went by in a breeze and soon I was changing into gym clothes for P.E. A period for lazing around. We were short of girls in this class which was mostly filled with jock boys. After the gym teacher, coach Harvey takes roll call, he made us run laps around the gym and left us to ourselves.

I stretched out on the floor in a lonely spot and rested with open eyes. My eyes glazed around the gym quickly spotting cheerleaders in their ridiculously short skirts practicing their routines. A pale girl with auburn hair stood in front of the cheer squad with her hands on her hips, probably their leader, shouting out steps and orders for the them to follow.

I was yawning continuously so I decided I would get a quick shuteye before the period was over. I tuned out the 'one, two, three, four and five, six, seven, eight' of the auburn haired girl and put an arm over my eyes. Just when I was getting into it, Coach Stanfield came marched into the gym with his basketball players who were already bouncing the ball around for practice. He boomed with his very deep voice, "Get to it boys, no joking around or else you want to get it from me!"

Ugh. Would the sky fall if these coaches talked softly? I guess it would because they always shouted like their lives and the lives of their players rested heavily on their shoulders. There was no way the sleep was happening while this particular coach was here. I got up with a groan and went to the bleachers.

Some guys were on the field getting ready for football practice. I hoped they weren't going to be loud, but just in case, I attached my earpiece to my phone and plugged it in my ear after playing a berceuse. I wasn't going to leave this airy place because of them.

I winced as my bare legs came in contacts with the hot metal bleachers but I soon adjusted and made myself comfortable. The sun went down a little and warm breeze swooshed around me.

Pure bliss and... Bam!!

My eyes flew open just in time to see a ball roll off me. The ball must've hit my head because my head felt sore and heavier than ever. A headache was beginning to form too.

"What the hell!" Holding tight on the bleachers for support, I managed to get up still swaying and seeing stars. Despite the pounding of my head, I couldn't help but chuckle albeit sadly. Cartoons didn't lie about all those rolling stars after all, my perception changed now that I experienced it first hand.

With my blurry vision I picked out a very shirtless guy in dark basketball shorts jogging up to me as he pushed a mat of hair from his forehead. The shorts clung to his hips revealing a sexy v-line. Was I seeing things now? I squinted my eyes and tried to make out his face just as I felt myself floating. The surprise on his face was the last thing I saw before I was engulfed in darkness.


I woke up with a start and a hand was there to rub mine soothingly.

"Welcome back to Earth, Princess". The all too familiar voice of Samson completely brought me too.

I snatched my hand away from his with narrowed eyes. I was on a bed, one of the four beds in the four corners of the room but the others were empty and neatly made with blue sheets. The curtains were also blue. The place had the suffocating smell of antiseptics like all hospitals but this wasn't a hospital. It was the school's clinic.

"Why am I here?" I tried to remember but there was a sudden splitting pain in my head. "Aw". I cradled my head in my hands.

Samson was immediately on his feet and across the room where a large table stood. He brought me a cup of water and some pills. "The nurse said you should have this for your headache". I noted the faint tone of worry in his voice.

I regarded him skeptically. " Careful there. Someone who saw you or heard you might start to think that you have a crush on me".

He looked at me like I just said something deserving of a mad woman.

"Don't delude yourself. I'm only here because I was the one who fired the shot that made you pass out".

My eyes popped open as the memory came rushing to me. " You??" He nodded confused with my sudden change. "Then you are the one who had come running to me before I passed out..." He nodded again confirming my thoughts. I gasped covering my mouth with my hand. The guy I had been drooling over was...him? He was fully clothed now, in his jeans and sweatshirt.

Argh, I mentally cringed, then physically shrugged. 𝘏𝘦𝘺, 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘶𝘭𝘵, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘪𝘵. I immediately agreed with my inner self. "Exactly!" There was no bloody way I'd in my right state of mind think this annoying manwhore sexy.

Samson's loud sigh made me look back at him. He stared pointedly at the pills and cup of water he was holding out to me.

"Oh". I took it and swallowed it down before giving him the empty cup. When he came back from returning it, I cleared my throat and glanced at him haughtily. "How long was I out?"

He furrowed his brows at me as if trying to figure me out. I in turn raised a brow and tapped my wrist, reminding him that I had asked what the time was. He scowled and growled out after peering at his wristwatch, "Thirty minutes".

I bobbed my head up and down. I wasn't out for long, Sam wasn't here which meant that he was unaware. "You can go now". I said in dismissal. Another scowl crossed his features and he opened his mouth to say something, most probably something abusive with the way he was looking at me and already jabbing a finger in my direction but I beat him to it. "What? I hope you weren't expecting me to thank you?". I laughed humourlessly. "Snap out of it. After all, you are the reason I'm here. You blindly fired a shot without direction or hold on... You knew I was there and decided it would be fun to imagine me an extension of your field right?" I fixed him my evilest glare. I did not actually believe he did it intentionally but hey, he still did it. And I was angry with him for constantly messing with me, what he did at the bonfire and earlier today in the hallway. This couldn't even begin to count as payback.

Samson was beyond incredulous. He opened his mouth and snapped it shut. I was sure he didn't lack the words to throw back at me. The problem was, the words were too much that he didn't know the ones to begin with. His jaw clenched. "You know what?"

He was waiting for me to answer so I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

He plastered a sweet smile on his face. "You're not worth defending myself to". He slurred.

Before I could process what he just said, he left the room as laid back as ever.