Chapter Twenty-Six

I bit down hard on the palm covering my mouth and muffling my screams. He cursed at the same time he sharply withdrew his hand. I wasted no time in screaming again.

"Jesus, Alex it's just me". He groaned in pain.

"Sam?" I asked believing I was imagining things.

I heard the light switch before the lights came flooding in. Sam sat there on the floor before me rubbing his hand. "Sam!" It really was him. I looked at the second person who was still standing by the door and I exploded in rage when I saw who the damn Shorty was. "Someone better tell me what's going on". I glared at Samson and William. "What are you doing here?" I directed that one at Sam. "After texting me goodnight you came to catch some fun at my expense huh?"

He looked down and shook his head.

"William, mom had tucked you in bed. Why are you in my room? When did you two plan this?"

He shook his head frantically.

"That's not it?" I crossed my arms and glared at them in turns. "Okay, I'm all ears".

They looked at each other, arguing with their eyes on who should go first. Neither of them wanted to do the explaining. Alright. I was too pissed to even listen to them. I was scared shit thinking some serial killers or the psycho secret admirer had come to end my life not knowing it was my boyfriend and brother. If it was a damn prank they took it too far! I stormed to the door and threw it open. "Get out the both of you".

William wasted no time in running out. "Sorry, Sam".

I turned the glare to Sam who was still on the floor. "Well?".

He managed a small sheepish smile. "I wanted to surprise you but I guess I ended up scaring you".

I scoffed. "You guess?" Even if William did not know, Samson knew that the secret admirer had come into my room, he knew how I scared I had been and yet... He should have known better than planning a surprise like this, he should've known when to stop.

His smile slipped at my mocking voice. "I was going to sleep but I missed you so much I was going crazy. I thought I would just pop in and see you for a minute. But you weren't in here like I had thought you would be and the window was locked. I called your phone but you didn't pick up so I called William to come let me in". He stopped and drew his lower lip between his teeth, looking up at me through his lashes.

Was he acting cute now? No, no, it wasn't going to work. I maintained my glare. "I believe you still have something left to say?"

"It was William who brought the idea and I swear I adamantly kicked against it but William threatened to run downstairs and tell on me to your parents". He raised himself up and stood with his hands in front of his crotch. "You see now that I had no choice. I missed the right time to reveal myself that's why it went out of hand. When you started shouting, I did what I did to keep you quiet and not alert your parents. I'm a little surprised they are not here already". He chuckled and rubbed the nape of his neck. "I've learnt my lesson on that one". He continued softly, glancing at his palm where I had bitten him. "I'm sorry for alarming you like that". He pouted, giving me the cute sorry eyes.

Don't you dare melt, I told myself. But I already had. Hey, I could do nothing when he put everything the way he had and it was just impossible to stay angry with him when he had that cute look on. "Um, I suppose you are not completely in the wrong then".

A smile immediately spread across his face. I couldn't help the one that came up mine on seeing his. Dammit, girl, you've got no willpower. He opened his arms wide and shuffled towards me. I opened mine too but at the last moment I ducked under his arm and escaped while he hugged thin air.

"What the helicopter!" He hissed. I laughed at him. Was that a cuss or what? "Come here you little minx".

"You'll have to catch me". I ran up the bed and bounced on it.

"Uh-huh. I see what you're doing". He nodded his head, stroking an imaginary beard with a complacent smile. "All you have to say is that you want me on the bed with you and I won't make you ask twice".

"Me?" I asked confused, not about to tell him he was right. "If that's what you think, I'll just come down".

"No! Are you mad?" He ran up the bed and drew my legs causing me to land on my butt. He laid down his head on my laps and made himself comfortable. "I like this place just alright".

I giggled. "I thought so too. Let me see your hand". I sucked in a breath on seeing it. It was red and the bite mark was still visible. If I had bitten longer, I'm sure I would have drawn blood. "Oh dear, how does it feel?".

"Like I was bitten". He rolled his eyes.

I realised that my question was stupid but I still punched him lightly for his retort. "Wait shortly, I'll get an ointment from mom".

"No need. A kiss would suffice". He grinned.

"There's no end to your silliness. Is there?" I asked feeling my mouth twitch.

"I pray not".

I placed a light feathery kiss on his palm. "There you have it. Feel any better?"

He groaned and drew his hand away from my gentle hold.

I frowned, worried that I may have caused his hand to hurt more. "What is it?"

"I feel even worse. You'll have to drop a kiss here..." He touched his lips. " make me feel better".

"You pervert". I slapped his arm and pushed him away. I slided down the bed. "I'm getting that ointment, wait here and don't make a sound".

He whined like the baby he was, stomping his foot on the bed. "Don't go. I don't want it, you're the one I want".

"Ew, I'm gonna puke". I scrunched up my face in disgust even as I bit back a smile. "Why, but that is revolting".

He grabbed a pillow to throw at me and I scurried outside the room and shut the door. I cooked up a lie in my head as I approached mom and dad's room.

But now that I thought about it, the secret admirer had not written any note or sent texts since his last one. I wondered why. Has he given up? Why was he quiet? I hoped, whatever the reason was, that I would never hear from him again. As suddenly as he appeared, he had suddenly disappeared. But why did this quietness make me feel more uneasy? Everytime I opened my locker or phone and saw nothing from him, instead of a sigh of relief, I felt like a bomb was going to suddenly drop from above me.