Chapter Twenty-Eight

Monday came rolling in quickly.

The alarm clock made that annoying sound it was set to make and I groaned for the hundredth time. When did I close my eyes to sleep that it was morning already? I barely got any sleep.

"Turn that damn thing off". Bridget murmured irritated. She rolled over facing the ceiling and in the process, one arm landed painfully on my neck as one leg got tangled with mine. I groaned again, this was why I hardly got any sleep last night. Saturday was the same. She was not exactly the best bed-partner. Her unconscious rolls and hits were proving to be something else.

Pushing her away and freeing myself, I turned of the alarm. I looked at her sleeping face, she sure looked peaceful while she caused me misery. I shuffled to the bathroom with droopy eyes feeling tired and sore all over. Better to just wash the sleep away than to remain in bed, laying hopelessly.

I dressed in my normal daily wear. Jeans, blouse and sneakers. Bridget dressed similarly too but she managed to look cooler and prettier. Where I had rolled my hair in a messy bun leaving some strands to fall freely, she had worn a headwarmer. She applied casual make-up too just like I did. We were two completely different people after all, our dressing wouldn't change that.

She dropped her pink lipstick on the vanity table and pushed the chair back standing up and slinging her bag across her shoulder. She smiled at me, who was leaning by the door waiting for her, through the mirror. "Are you ready?"

"You stole my question". I drawled.

We joined the rest of the family at the breakfast table.

"Are you looking forward to your first day?" Dad asked Bridget with a smile as he put down the morning newspapers.

Bridget nodded her head, she could not use her mouth which was stuffed with toast and jam.

"There's nothing to look forward to. The school is real shit". I said grumpily while I applied strawberry jam to my toast.

"Stop it, Alex". Mom gave me the stern tone, probably for my choice of words before continuing to Bridget. "I'm sure you'll like it there and I had you put in all of Alex's classes".

"Really?" Bridget echoed with me. That news was all I needed to cheer up. I mentally, and might I add happily, said my goodbyes to loneliness during classes.

Mom smiled and nodded.

"You rock, mom". I blew her kisses.

"Thanks Aunt, you're the best. You just saved me from eternal boredom". Bridget streamed gratefully.

Mom laughed loving the praises.

Dad coughed and turned all eyes to himself but he concentrated on stirring his coffee. "No one has said anything to me even when I'm the brain behind the idea". He not so muttered to himself.

Mom and I shared a look and laughed. Was he seriously being jealous right now?

"Thanks, Uncle. You're the best". Bridget thanked dad with equal enthusiasm and Dad nodded and puffed out his chest causing her to giggle.

" Umm..." William started, "I was actually the one whoโ€”"

"Shut up". I cut him off. "You didn't do anything, don't lie".

"Come on, Alex, you can't be like that to him". Bridget stepped in. "Don't mind her, Will. What were you going to say?"

He stuck out his tongue at me and was going to say something when Sam's car honked outside. There was nothing I had ever wanted to do more than stick my tongue back at him but I decided to be the bigger person and settled with a smirk instead.

"That's our cue to go, Bridget". I picked up my bag.

"Already?" She picked up hers too.

Sam was standing by his car when we came outside. He approached us with a smile and I got ready to do the introductions.

He pecked my cheek with a sweet 'good morning, babe'.

I turned my other cheek for him to plant a kiss on too.

Bridget cleared her throat and I coughed going red.

Sam chuckled. "Forgive me. You must be Bridget". He extended his right hand for a shake.

"And you must be Sam". She took his hand. "

"It'd be a crime if I wasn't. Alex told me about you but she didn't tell me you were this beautiful".

I snorted and Bridget giggled. " I like you already and just so you know, you have my full backing on dating Alex".

Samson flashed her a grin. "Thanks Cousin. I knew we would get along".

"It's a good thing you've not forgotten who she is to me". I chipped in sourly. I couldn't believe I was actually jealous right now.

"Aw, babe, your cousin is automatically my cousin".

" Spoken like a true boyfriend". Bridget high-fived him.

"Whatever". I rolled my eyes and made to go past him but he caught my arm and drew me back.

"You have something that looks like jam on your lips". He patted his trouser pockets and released a loose smile. " I don't have my hanky with me. I'll have to use something more natural to wipe it off".

Was it what I was thinking? His twinkling eyes confirmed my thoughts and I coughed under Bridget's watching eyes.

"I'm good at giving people privacy". Bridget gushed and walked to the car. " Do what you must, Sam".

Sam leaned in, going for my lips but I pushed his face away and walked to the car. "Yeah, yeah do what you must". I threw over my shoulder.

We arrived at the school in minutes.

"Wow. The school's sure big". Bridget was awed as she stepped out of the car.

I chuckled at the beautiful look on her face. She looked like a child who just stepped into wonderland. " You'll get used to it soon enough".

We made our way into the busy hallway. Whisperings began. People never got tired, huh?

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"Just ignore them". Sam said to Bridget. "They're like this".

"Are you shitting me?". Bridget laughed under her breath. "I love the attention. Somebody should have told me it would be like this. I would have brought sunglasses to complete the mood".

"You're too much". I sighed.

We accompanied her to the office where we got her locker number and stuff. Her locker was on the far side of the hallway, across from mine. Sam left us to ourselves when the bell for commencement of lessons rung.

Soon it was lunch time. Everyone and even the teachers loved Bridget so far. She smiled for everyone like a celebrity would for cameras. I think that was what did the trick. It's not like I always carried a scary face, I sometimes smiled without reason too but Bridget was on a wholly different level. I got the feeling that guys would be knocking on our home's door soon. We came out of our last class to a noisy corridor. People were talking about something in hushed tones and got serious looks on their faces.

"What has happened?" Bridget asked me.

I shrugged in response. "Dunno. These people gossip about the most trivial things".

Sam appeared out of the crowd and hurried to us. "Bad news".

I spotted sweat on his brows. He swallowed multiple times. There was no hiding the anxiety on his face. I was instantly alerted. "What's wrong?"

He looked at me with worried eyes but was not saying anything.

"Jesus. Sam, spit the shit out. I hate suspense". Bridget groaned.

For some unknown reason, my heart rate increased and I felt my hairs rise. "What's wrong?" I repeated, urgently this time.

He took in a deep breath and asked me to to the same three times. I did without arguing because I knew he was saying nothing if I refused. When I was done, I raised a brow at him.

"It's Samson". He stopped and gauged my reaction.

I had an extremely bad feeling. "What about Samson?"

"Who's Samson?" Bridget asked the both of us but got no answer.

"There are rumours going about that he was rushed to the hospital this morning after he had been found lying unconscious in his room in a pool of his own blood".

"Oh my God". My hands flew to my mouth. No wonder, he was absent during rollcall in the classes I had with him. Even Connor. "Is he okay?"

"There's no word on that yet but... There was a note lying beside him", Samson added slowly. "It said; 'I warned you'".

My legs suddenly went weak and I would've fallen had someone not caught me. Everything became slow-motioned. I saw Sam and Bridget's eyes and mouths slowly widen and move as they said something and people slowly ran to us but I wasn't hearing them. I was hearing nothing even if my eyes were wide open.

All I could think was, 'oh God please save him'.

Just when I began to question his silence. It was no wonder I've been on edge. Now he has delivered the storm but I never thought the psycho, I had called a psycho was really a psycho.

Man, was I in trouble.

We were all in trouble,... big trouble.