Chapter Thirty-two

Dad drove away from the school's premises after repeating countless "You both had better be here waiting for me when I come back", "Keep your eyes wide open and be careful", "Don't go anywhere alone", "You can't trust anyone, Sam not excluded".

I released a sigh watching his wheels disappear from sight. I swear only three minutes more and my heart would have exploded from frustration.

"Maybe we should run away from home, see what he would do?"

Bridget laughed, "Run away and go where?"

That didn't occur to me. "Or let's go partying. We'll get drunk out of our minds and piss dad off".

"I love you but not enough to die with you. There's a mad man on the loose remember?"

"Some selfish cousin you are". I joked half-heartedly.

"I know right". She smiled at me but I noticed it didn't reach her eyes.

Her mind was elsewhere. "It won't be a good idea to test his patience. Trust me, I know".