Chapter Thirty-seven

At around 8pm, the car pulled up in front of a closed gate with an intercom box next to it. We were finally there. I thought we'd never arrive. 

"Home!" Bridget cheered.

While I had dozed in and out of sleep due to boredom and tiredness, Bridget's excitement never died down. Man, she kept on chattering and laughing throughout, sometimes even waking me up. Even her dad grew tired that he started replying her in monosyllables.

Uncle Henry rolled down the window and pressed a button on the touch screen.

"Welcome, Mr Walker." A masculine voice said from the speaker on the intercom box.

Bridget leaned across her dad. "Johnny! Open the gate".

"Of course, welcome back, miss". The gate slowly opened, and uncle Henry drove through. He steered the car around one of those half-circle driveways and parked.