Chapter Forty

I woke up to someone roughly shaking my leg. I cursed under my breath and kicked out in annoyance, refusing to leave the comfort of my bed and pillows.

"Get up." The voice belonged to Bridget and it sounded equally sleepy. That made the both of us so why was she here disturbing my peace instead of being in bed herself?

"Leave me alone." I mumbled and went back to sleep.

"We're going to the beach, you have to get ready."

I slowly rolled over to check the time on my phone. I was excited about going out to the beach but it was still too early. "It's only eight. Can't I sleep some more?"

"I would love nothing more than that too but this is an order from above. I have to get ready too."

I threw my legs down and went to my own room. "Well then I'll go get dressed."

"We have ten minutes!" I heard her yell just as I entered my room.