Chapter Forty-seven

Saturday's evening, I hesitated outside Mom and Dad's room. There was a party tonight that Bridget and I were invited to over text messages from a jock we had classes with and is also into Bridget. Bridget had laughed and dismissed it saying we would never get permission to attend but it would have been nice to go.

I felt the same way. I was tired of staying cooped up in the house all day since yesterday and wanted a breath of fresh air for a change. The probability of Dad agreeing to this party was very tiny but a girl can hope. I was willing to try out my luck. I had been good and not caused mom trouble or made her yell too much so he could at least think about it. And I prayed he took the fact that I had not gone to any party in nothing less than a month into consideration and let me hang out with Bridget just this once.