"Don't touch that!" I cried.
This has got to be the weirdest dream of my life
I watched gratefully as my sister Mina retracted her hand from a strange fungi at her feet. I was convinced I was in a bizarre dream because there is no way in heck this is actually happening. I cannot possibly be stuck in a video game. My favourite video game for that matter, Minecraft. That only happens to interesting people in books, and I, Evelyn am not interesting in the slightest. I come from a tiny where-even-is-that town, go to the most boring school, and have one friend. Who, for reasons I don't feel are important at the moment, kinda hates me.
But I'm getting carried away.
Freak where'd Mina go?
I jerk my head around only to see her dangling her feet into the water.
"Evelyn! Come over here!" she said with a broad smile. "Its actually water!"
I walked over, hearing my gentle footsteps against the grass. Once I reached the stream I stuck my hand deep into the water. It was cool and wet.
Awfully accurate dream.
A tiny bit of panic fluttered in my chest, but I pushed it down. It was normal enough to feel things in dreams wasn't it?
I stared at my reflection. First my hair caught my eyes, short and as of recently a bright blue. My eyes remained their boring brown, resembling mud in my opinion.
Mina was always much prettier. Her hair was a bright red, and her eyes a much softer brown. She looked a lot like my mother. Everyone who had known my father always said I looked like him. Too bad, apart from coffee once when I was young, I never knew him.
Neither had Mina.
"Evelyn!" Mina tugged at my arm, "look over there."
She pointed to a wide opening in the blocks, a cave entrance.
"Can we go in? Please?" she said hopefully.
"No, you are not going in there." I said, even if this was just a dream I didn't want Mina to find a creeper and get blown apart. "You stay right here, I'll go check it out."
"But I want to come too!" Mina pouted.
"If you aren't here when I get back then you'll be in big trouble." I said warningly, apparently this still worked in this dream because Mina sat down with a huff.
"No fair. I just want to help you," she sulked.
Help is one way to put it...
"You can help later, right now I need you to guard the pond," I said, "make sure its still here when I get back."
Mina nodded.
She'll be safe enough here I think, probably she'll have disappeared by the time I came back. Hopefully.
Dreams are the mind's way of sorting things out. Though I'm not sure what I'm sorting out about Mina, sure she's a bit annoying at times. But she's a good sister, but heavy on the following-you-everywhere side. Which is why I don't completely believe she'll stay by the creek.
I walked to edge of the cavern, inside was dark and cool. The walls were mostly stone with andesite peppered in and deep below I heard the burble of a stream. I had nothing with me, no tools or weapons.
Might as mark out some ore anyway.
I laughed lightly, but looking deep into the darkness the hair on the back of my neck stood up.
There is nothing to be afraid of silly.
I mean sure there is monsters in Minecraft. Creepers will kill instantly.
Wonder what that would feel like?
Stop it!
I decided to step in before I actually started fighting with myself. The floor was cold and as I wandered in the temperature dropped to chilly. It was silent save the sound of water. On the wall opposite was coal, I wished I had a pickaxe.
Maybe I can will one to appear for me.
I closed my eyes and screwed up my face. Nothing happened.
I waited concentrating.
Still nothing.
I opened my eyes and at a time and screamed. Right in front of me about 20 blocks away was a creeper, and it was coming my way. I tripped on my feet as I backed away.
"Nice creeper," I said, holding out my hands, "I was just leaving."
It got closer still.
I started to run, but not fast enough. The blast threw me into the wall, pain radiated through my body, I felt my energy drop down.
"Evelyn?" a little voice called.
Oh no Mina! I knew I shouldn't of left her at the pond
"Evelyn!" it was a scream. I ran toward the voice. Mina was cornered by a huge spider and had resorted to climbing a tree, as the thing tried and failed to reach her. "Eve-"
It finally reached up through the trees.