
"Only two weeks ago, Ten young men and women were found, dead, within an abandoned building, forty miles south of town," the officiator spoke, the only thing breaking the silence of the town. Everyone in town was there, including people who lived just outside of town, like Mike and Tomas.

"Their souls, may they rest among god and his children, safe above," the officiator finishes leaving the podium open for the sheriff.

"We all must follow in accordance to temporary law, as to prevent such an event from occurring again."

Sheriff Devin spoke. Everyone knew how much this has affected the sheriff. His youngest son, Colt had been among the teens in the corpses found south of town, which took toll on his mental state.

"The rules to be followed are: All are to remain indoors between the hours of 9:30pm to 5:30 am, all not following this will be questioned and fined a sum of $150,"

"Any suspicious characters are to be reported to the sheriffs department immediately, and anyone in association with such characters is to be questioned, that is all from me, may those families that were affected find peace, and may god bless this town." The sheriff finishes and everyone prepares departure.

The drive to the lodge is as silent as the dead, the radio, usually is on, However, Mike had the radio off, which is as rare as the man's frown, which he wore today.

"You wanna work on the house today Sarah?" Mike asked, stopping at the fork.

"Please," The air seemed thick, and she wanted to get out of the car.

"Be home by seven," Mike says as Sarah hopped out of the car.


    Her tools were already outside on a wooden workbench she had made from the tree beside her home and she immediately set to work.


An orange figure lept out of the laundry room window, grabbed her arm, and throwing her to the ground, her wrist stained with an odd black substance.

"HEY GET BACK HERE!" She yelled as it looked back before disappearing.

She sighed in defeat.

Opening the door a scream erupted from her throat.



Hey, mind if I come over?

2 minutes ago


There's a dead body here send help!