After the maze and the chaos involved in it, the group including Bright, went to Sarah's house. Clef had left the group after getting a phone call.
"Why are you so good with chainsaws?" Tom asked Bright.
"In my blood, had family in the logging industry," Bright answered, when John came in with chips.
"No Halloween is complete in this household until we play some Pictionary cause why the fuck not," Sarah says setting up the whiteboard.
"The day isn't over until a Minute after midnight," Rick says being a complete smartass, then again no one argued.
"You're up Bright! Newcomers first!" Tom says tossing the marker to Bright.
"Ok, three words, common phrase,"
Not a single thing is on the board when Rick began to guess.
"When pigs fly?" Bright shakes his head and began drawing an envelope.
"To!" Tom shouts.
'Nope! Sooo close!" Bright signals.
"From?" Sarah asked.
With a thumbs up bright Puts three dashes before writing the word chainsaws.
"Two Chainsaws!" John shouts earning a sad sigh.
"THE Chainsaws!" Tom yells.
Bright salutes before erasing the word 'Chainsaws' and the draws an accurate drawing of the building outside of town that shakes everyone's core, with the doors open.
"Office?" Tom says.
"Institution!" Rick says.
Bright gives an annoyed sigh, and draws an arrow in the door facing inward.
"INSIDE! FROM THE INSIDE" Sarah exclaims.
"YEAH!" Bright yells as well.
"FUCK!!!" Tom storms into the kitchen, limping.
"The hell did ya do?" Bright asks while erasing the board.
"I FUCKIN' STUBBED MY INJURED TOE MAN!" *bumps into the fridge* "AAAHHH!"
"Immagohelphim" John says running into the kitchen, before audibly slipping and falling.
Rick, Sarah and Bright left before they could cause more damage or injuries.
"Are you actually from that place?" Sarah asked.
Looking both ways bright led them into some undergrowth.
"I am, I know it's you 'Rick', or should I say SCP-049?" Bright says teasingly.
Both Sarah and 49 were speechless. They had almost pulled it off.
"Why didn't you say anything to clef then?" 049 asks crossing his arms.
"Clefs no fun, would have you and 035 Terminated on the day you get back,"
"Besides," Bright continued. "I think you like hanging around here, not gonna lie, it's a nice town, and you have friends willing to back you up,that's unique. Not that I know much about them, and despite being an O-5, 49 I have basically zero authority so I really don't give a fuck about the you and 35's escape,"
"And...I got to use a chainsaw today,so that's fuckin' awesome," Bright finishes.
"Well...that's a first," 49 says.
"HOLD UP! Back up the truck here, you are a fucking high authority Researcher, who...contains, people and objects like 049 and 035 in the giant white building?!" Sarah asks with a high dosage of confusion.
"Yeah, we also use volunteers and prisoners on life sentences to experiment, fuck. Wasn't supposed to say that, oh uh...
to be clear, there's an actual fucking list of what I'm not allowed to do," Bright answered.
"We should check on them, make sure they didn't die breaking their head open or something," 049 says.
"Do not EVER tell ANYBODY ANYTHING I just told you k'?" Bright says.
"No shit Sherlock," Sarah says entering the house, finding Tom on the couch and 035 on the chair asleep, with multiple bandages on Tom.
Before Bright left, him and Sarah exchanged contacts.
"You better be more careful from here on," 049 says.
"I got that, but why?" Sarah asked.
"Don't you fucking get it?!" He pins Sarah with aggression.
"You know too much, the foundation finds you, it's a one way ticket to hell." He says with venom in his voice, pausing a moment before releasing her.
"Please just, be careful or you'll lose it all," he sighs before going to his room, in the basement.
If I wasn't in danger before,
I sure as death I am now.