Chapter 7: Alice Rose

Emi's eyes widen and gleamed at strea slamming her hands down and shouted "HOW DO YOU KNOW HER !" all eyes were on them and the librarian even gave them a shhing motion as strea said " will you keep it down " as she cast her eyes down she said with a gentle smile "so he did send someone to stop her killing spree I wonder if she will be able to do what he can the whole blend , bleed , feed thing being that she is a bav "

Emi grabbed strea's shirt saying, " what do you know about Alice?" Strea smiled as she removed Emi's hand from her shirt saying, "first off don't do that again okay " then smiled once more saying "you really want to know about Alice rose?" Emi nodded her head saying "yes! You're the only one who knows anything about her "

Strea smiled pulling out a book that had dust on it as she blew on it clearing the dust the book had Alice rose on the front of the book was a picture of two girls in cheerleading outfits emi looked at the book and said " strea what's this? who are they?" strea Trace a finger over the cover of the book and picture

With sorrow in her eyes saying, " the girl with the blonde hair is me and the girl with purple hair is Alice rose " Emi pulled the book closer and said, " how long have you known about what Alice became? how did she lose her soul?" strea eyes started to tear up and cast down as a tear drop fell onto the book she held close.

Strea cried " it's my fault Alice is like this!" emi's eyes widen at strea as she put a hand on strea and said " strea what do you mean didn't Alice ask to be a vampire and find one to turn her?" Strea shook her head saying "alie.... I mean Alice might have loved vampire movies, shows, and books but .... alie never wanted to be one the thought of her having to be alone or killing people to survive she hated even if the love part as amazing to her she didn't want to be a vampire "

emi's eyes widen in shock she had never heard of a vampire who was made that didn't want to be one emi looked at strea and said " if Alice didn't find a vampire to turn her and she didn't want to be one then what happen strea? Alice doesn't know how she lost her soul " strea's eyes open as wide as they could then she said, " does she remember the accident?" Emi looked at strea and said, " what accident?" Strea looked down at the book and said, " the accident that turned her?"

emi shook her head and strea took a deep breath and said " it was the school's annual sprit bonfire the whole school had showed up me and alie had been waiting for this event alie was finally going to tell her crush she liked him " then strea was cut off by emi who was flipping through the scrapbook of "Alice rose" and said " wait ...Alice went here ?" strea laughed and said " yeah didn't you ask scar ?"