She was the girl of everyone's dreams

With red hair slicked over her sweet

Perfectly freckled, rosy pink face

With brown pools of wonder for her eyes

That make you melt with only one glance

And with her pale, rounded lips

That releases music for the word to hear 

Her hands, painted in a dragon-like green

Are her souls true disciple

With these hands she paints onto the canvas

A story caged deep within her troubled heart

Stories her lips yearn to even comprehend

Stories buried down and locked in a casket

A casket only unlocked by those hands

The ability to read these ravishing stories

Is the greatest gift any soul can receive

Because even though her outer shell

Is one of the most exquisite things you'll see

It's the angelic beauty of her glowing soul

That shines through and animates me

And maybe one day after she reads this

I can ask her to let me in on what she hides