The Puppet

Everything feels dark

even with the brightest of lights

and my body starts to chill

even in the Arizona heat

Maybe I'm sick

and the fevers controlling me

or maybe I'm losing my mind

and I can't control my senses

Or maybe it's the metal hooks 

that leeches to my skin 

and connects to the strings

that are tugged by her

I gave my puppet master the key

to learn everything about me

but with the key comes a price

one hidden between the lines

of the binding contract we signed

and one so devastating

death seems like paradise

my price was my freedom

and all self-control I obtained

to obtain the love of a puppet master

one must sign away their rights as a human

and become her willing slave

As I awake from my haze 

bestowed by the master herself

I realized that I want nothing more

than to break free from her grasp

I'm tired of my life being decided

by someone other than me

but as I try to fight I realized

she'll never set me free