Chapter 14

Sonic felt directionless as he walked around the room rhythmically while thinking about what to do next, hourglass tucked between his arm and side. Truth is, he had no clue what to do. The door was jammed, and the only open door would lead him backwards. The thought that right now, something horrible could be happening to Knuckles was almost too much to bear. He had to do something.

Of course! It suddenly became obvious to Sonic that he should check the drawers. He sped walked to the drawers and opened them. All that was inside was a lone pen, and a cloud of dust. The pen itself was adorned with gold, with a mostly black and white barrel. The cap read "MO". Could it be the initials of the owner?

"Well, what am I supposed to do with this?!" Sonic cried out. "Am I just supposed to have it?!" He looked around. He couldn't get rid of the feeling that he was being watched. He stamped onto the carpet in a burst of rage. "Well, fine!" "If you don't let me out of this room I'll... I'll..." He grabbed the pen from the drawer, gripping it hard. "I'll snap your stupid pen in half!"

As he grabbed the pen, he heard a sound that just like the sound accompanying the healing of Phantom Zavok's hand, had no definite origin point. But this wasn't the same sound as the Phantom Ruby. Instead of the Phantom Ruby's dwe-dwe-dwe... BWOM! It was more like... a clock ticking at an alarming pace. Tick, tick, tick... then... BWOOM!

Then, Sonic's vision was covered in a purple and red static, much like what one would see on a TV screen with no input device connected. Sonic felt the sensation of being shot into the sky like a rocket. He was spinning like a drill once more. He had no choice but to look up as he ascended into a blinding white light. It enveloped his vision.

And then, there was nothing.

Continue to Chapter 15