Chapter 46

Sonic, rolling his eyes, pulled Pico away from him and put the mammoth on the ground. Much to Pico's dismay. He looked at the ground, standing on all fours. He let out a weak and sad trumpeting sound. Sonja gasped loudly, and floated over. She picked up Pico, but he seemed to only want Sonic. He jumped out of Sonja's arms partway, flailing his arms towards Sonic. But Sonja kept a tight hold on his legs to make sure he wouldn't fall and injure himself.

Sonic couldn't help but feel awful as Sonja stared at him in disdain, and as Pico stared at him with longing baby eyes. But he would never swallow his pride. He didn't care about that mammoth too much. He just saved it because that's what he does. He saves people. Doesn't mean he has to like it.

Boo. Your friendship points with Sonja went down by 1.

Continue to Chapter 47