Chapter 92

Sonja evaded their sight, not wanting to come in contact with any of them. She flew overhead, and they looked up at a nonexistent source of energy. Then, they continued scanning their surroundings, oblivious to her ever being there.

Sonja continued her flight through the temple. She knew this place, somehow. Like something was guiding her to an unforeseeable goal. She past twists and turns throughout the temple, and beat her enemies back if they got in her way.

She could do this, she thought. She knew there was something, or multiple things in here that could stop Marilyssa.

And then, she saw them.

Seven colorful brilliant-cut gems lie on the ground. They glistened against the purple light of the fortress around them. Sonja knew she shouldn't get side-tracked. But something about these stones compelled her. Drove her towards them. Before she knew it, she picked one up. The silver one. And with it, she felt a power surge through her veins. A power unmatched by any other. It was a quick jolt of electricity. Like touching an electric fence. But it was strong, and didn't even hurt. She shuddered. This power felt infinite, everlasting. It may have just been enough to stop Marilyssa's plan.

So what could all seven do?

Meanwhile, the forcefield around Marilyssa expanded further. Sonic thought there must be some sort of connection between the size of the forcefield and Marilyssa's ability to erase time, or whatever she said she'd do. Sonic questioned the legitimacy of her claims, but he didn't have much say in whether or not it was complete lie or complete truth. That stone... it must be like one of the seven Chaos Emeralds or Phantom Ruby in that it must have some kind of power. If there was the slightest chance she was telling the truth (and not completely insane while doing so,) Sonic had to stop her.

But no matter how much Sonic pushed, he couldn't puncture the tiniest of holes in the force field. He wouldn't lose hope, though... he'd save Mobius and stop this freak, make her pay for everything she's done.

"Can't you see resistance is futile, Sonic?" Marilyssa laughed, maniacally. "Once my power is charged up, I'll remove the stain that is you and everything you know and love from the face of time!"

"No, you won't!" Sonic resisted. Truth be told, she may be right. Optimism and will can only get you so far. Where was Sonja right now? Sonic looked at all of his friends, who were struggling to stay on the platform. Maybe if Sonja was here... she'd be able to do something. Phase through? Give the team more power? Anything!

That's when, in the distance, Sonic saw a glistening golden beam shoot off in the distance. It was coming for the platform! Sonic felt it close. High amounts of Chaos energy tickled his heart, as it grew closer.

But was it here to help them? Or would it be their end?

The golden light surged forward, and Sonic saw only a glimpse of the being harnessing what must have been the seven Chaos Emeralds as it broke down the forcefield. It was... Sonja! "Alright! Super Sonja!" He exclaimed.

"What?" Marilyssa asked, looking up as Super Sonja crashed down onto Marilyssa.

Super Sonja didn't look like she had intent to hurt Marilyssa too bad. She looked down to the ground, her face obscured by hair. Sonic took a step back. Everyone was now waiting in anticipation for Sonja to do... something!

If you have gathered 13 or more friendship points with Sonja, continue to Chapter 94

If you have gathered any less, continue to Chapter 93