| Blood Moon

A stray black cat with shiny diamond blue eyes stared at her sleeping owner, who is snoring loudly, the alarm clock on their phone continued ringing over and over repeatedly for the past five minutes, unable to wake them up from their deep slumber.

The stray cat named Yoru was becoming irritated from the noisy noises. Therefore, she hit her owner's face multiple times with her two tiny paws to finally wake them up from their nap.

"Give me five more minutes, Yoru," He muttered tiredly, but instead, they got many hard slaps on the face by their enraged cat.

Eventually, he got up and made eye contact with Yoru, "What do you want Yoru," he asked, looking at his cat that was lying on his lap.

Yoru just licked her paw, ignoring him completely, "Huh, so you ignoring me now, I'm not surprised at all." He grumbled, but then he turned around looking at his phone that was flashing a bunch of notification, 'Wait, what time is it!?'

He immediately grabs his phone from the drawer and saw that it was 8:30 of the morning, including a bunch of unread texts from his friend 'Shit, Rinuko is going to kill me for being late again, I better hurry up, I've only five minutes left before class starts!'

He got off of the bed in a swift, startling Yoru who was almost falling asleep. He instantly changed himself into his school uniform, and then brushed, his messy long dirty blonde hair that reached to his shoulders.

While he is preparing himself, his friends Rinuko and Toyo were waiting for him to arrive for class.

"Look's like Akio Kun is going to be late for class again, Rinuko Kun," the girl with raven hair told Rinuko, who was tapping his feet in frustration, waiting for Akio to reply to his texts.

Toyo stared at him with complete boredom, "Mom, mom, mom, mama, mama, mama," she kept on bugging him, trying to get his attention.

Except, she ended up failing miserably, all of a sudden, a brilliant idea pop in her head. "It would be a shame if I told Kaede chan that you have a big crush on her," giving Rinuko a mischievous smirk.

Rinuko gave her a menacing stare, which instantly gave Toyo shivers down her spine, already knowing that she messed up.

Out of nowhere, he started to pinch Toyo chubby cheeks, "Ow Ow, it hurts a lot!!!" Shrieked Toyo attempting to escape from his firm grasp, but nothing budged Rinuko.

Soon their super strict homeroom teacher Mrs. Tadame entered the classroom, making everybody in the class behave.

'Crap, if Akio doesn't make it in time, he will be in great trouble,' Rinuko and Toyo thought simultaneously.

Both of them made eye contact, nodding to each other, knowing what to do to help out their dearest friend.

"Alright, class settle down, we're going to start doing attendance," Mrs. Tadame instructed the classroom.

As she started to call out names, Toyo sneakily grabs a fake mouse robot and a remote controller from her bag. Then she slides, the little remote controller in her white sleeve, next she placed the tiny mouse robot on the floor between her shoes, so nobody notices it yet.

After that, she taps her desk twice, signaling Rinuko that it was his turn now, "Jakashini, Rinuko," called out the teacher.

Rinuko had his chance now that the teacher has her full attention on him, "Holy shit, everyone theirs a rodent under Toyo desk!!!" He yelled, pointing his fingers at the fake mouse under Toyo's desk, making everyone in the class to go full-on panic mode.

Some of their classmates started to go on top of their desks out of fear. Toyo and Ringuko also did the same thing as them, to blend in to avoid getting suspicious.

Toyo started to move the fake mouse around with her remote controller that remained hidden in her sleeve. Soon enough, Mrs.Tadame exit the classroom due to having fears of rodent.

The two troublemakers' friends, did their unique handshake, for succeeding at making their strict teacher flee and saving their friend from getting in trouble. 'Come on, Akio, you can make it in time,' both of them thought simultaneously.

While the class was dealing with the rodent, Akio was running at a fast pace towards his school campus, his long bangs and school bag bounced out of control.

Shortly, he made inside the building and headed to class, 1-2 where he heard a bunch of screams inside there, causing him to be concerned about what was happening inside his class.

"Kill it already guys!!!", "Eek, it's moving everywhere!!!"

Akio entered the class, only to see some of his classmates on top of their desk, avoiding the mouse that was on the floor, he then turned his head around and spotted Rinuko waving at him casually while Toyo was playing around with the remote controller.

He walked towards them, but before he could sit down with them, he grabbed the moving mouse with ease by using one hand, "Agh, Akio Kun, let my precious mouse go!" Whined Toyo, now throwing a tantrum at Akio for exposing her fake mouse, "Stop, being a three-year-old brat, you're like the oldest one here in the entire classroom" Rinuko snapped at her.

'Seems like the whole class immediately cooled down,' Akio thought, ignoring his friend's usual little fights, but suddenly Rinuko hit him in the back of his head.

Akio held his head in pain, "Owww.." was all he said.

"I told you, to take care of yourself, Akio," Rinuko told him, with his arms crossed, showing that he was serious about his health.

Akio Scratch his head, "Sorry if I made you worried, I promise I'll take myself better next time," He apologized for making them overly concerned about him.

Toyo giggled, putting a cute flower hair clip in his hair, "There now we can see your aqua green eyes,"

Akio smiled at her, but it soon fades off when the school bell ringed, "Ugh, we have a math test today, I'm going to fail miserably," Toyo complained, with a gloomy face knowing she will get a horrible score.

"Don't be harsh on yourself Toyo, after all, you did study hard for the test," Akio encouraged the gloomy Toyo.

Rinuko faked coughed to get Akio's attention, "You know Akio, you're still wearing your outdoor shoes," he pointed out, staring at his tennis shoes.

Akio immediately got up from his desk, with an embarrassed look on his face, "I'll be back," leaving the classroom to change his shoes.

In the background, Toyo was snickering, "Hehe, Akio Kun always forgets a lot, don't you agree, Rinuko Kun?"

Rinuko, quietly hummed, "Yep, he's forgetful,"

There remained an awkward silence between them, "Wait, a minute, Akio Kun didn't give my MOUSE BACK!!!"

At the end of Math class, the three of them went to Gym class, where things could get quite gory, 'Please don't be dodge ball, please don't be dodge ball,' Akio and Rinujo both pleaded for their life, knowing that Toyo gets extremely violent when playing her favorite game, dodge ball.

A few weeks ago, in gym class, Toyo injured several of her classmates just from throwing a red rubber ball.

While Akio and Rinuko were trembling, an excited Toyo came running towards them, "Heya, I wonder what game we're going to play, today, hopefully, it's dodgeball!" Her smile beam with excitement, considering that she's a big sports fan.

The P.E teacher blew his whistle, "Alright, we're going to play dodge today!"

The class didn't take that announcement lightly, at all, they knew if they ended up being Toyo opponents, they would end up getting wounded.

The teacher then started to divide the class into two teams, sadly Akio and Rinuko ended up being Toyo's opponents.

Toyo started to chuckle evilly, "Bwahaha, we may be friends, but I'm not going to go easy on you guys!"

"Toyo, don't get ahead of yourself, alright kiddo," He reminded her, already remembering what happened in the last dodgeball match.

She nodded at him, "Okay, I'll go easy on them."

"She's is not going to go easy on us, Akio," Ringuko, noticed that he was not next to him.

He turns around, only to find Akio standing right behind him, using him as a human shield. "Stop, hiding behind me, idiot, you're supposed to help the team out, not betray us!"

Akio sighed in disappointment and got out of his hiding spot, not wanting to anger Rinuko any further.

The teacher blew the whistle, indicating that game has started.

During one hour of a war zone, Akio, and Rinuko, including three other students were now sitting in the nurse office to heal their injuries with a pack of ice.

Rinuko groaned, putting the pack of ice in his cheek, "God, she always gets serious when playing these stupid sports games."

Akio nodded in agreement, holding his pack of ice on top of his forehead.

Toyo slammed the door open and immediately began to apologize to them, "Sorry, If I hurt you badly during dodgeball, I tend to get ahead of myself when I play sports."

The other three told her that it was fine. However, her apology didn't affect Akio and Rinuko because they knew she was targeting them the most during the several rounds of dodgeball.

Toyo realized that they weren't easy to apologize too, "I'll buy you any food you want for free tomorrow."

Both of them nod to each other, "Deal."

During the rest of their classes, everything was casual, nothing too chaotic, like what happened earlier. Eventually, after a long day of school, Akio and his friends departed. Toyo had to do baseball practice, for the school, tournament that was coming soon. As for Rinuko, he had to babysit his younger siblings.

Akio was walking back home, to his small apartment, that he has been living in roughly about three years. In a few minutes, he made it home only to be welcomed by his cat Yoru.

Akio greeted Yoru back by patting its fluffy head, causing her to purr, "I'll give food in a moment Yoru, let me just change into my comfortable clothes, okay."

He went inside his bedroom, changing into a white shirt and black sweatpants. He then readjusted his hairpin because it was starting to loosen up.

Yoru began to meow nonstop, indicating she wanted her food this instant. He sighed, knowing that Yoru was always impatient even as a kitten. He went into the kitchen and filled her bowl with a can of cat food, Yoru stared at her bowl, examining it, "Don't be picky on your food Yoru, I'm not going to feed you my food."

Yoru took a nip of her food, except she ended up spitting it out, clearly not liking it at all.

Akio groaned, "I bought you different cans of cat food, and you still don't like them, now I have to clean the mess you made," He grabbed a towel of paper and wiped the spit food off the floor.

Yoru went into his bedroom to lay on the bed, to sleep again.

During the evening, Akio finished doing all of his homework and even his missing ones, "Finally everything is done," He closed his computer and put it in his school bag.

He looked at his clock that was hanging on his wall, 'Mhmm 7 pm, I should probably go to the 7-twelve to get some food, the fridge is pretty empty.'

He got up from the bed and pat his cat goodbye, "I'll be back soon, Yoru." He puts on his yellow jacket and black leather boots, in case if it rains soon, he then grabs his wallet from the table counter.

Akio exited from his apartment and headed towards the Convenience store to buy his grocery.

Akio entered the Convenience store and started to buy whatever he needed. When he finished shopping, he went walking around the dusky streets.

As Akio kept on walking, he noticed the sky was turning red, he looked up, only to see a blood moon looming the entire city of Tokyo. Akio ignored it and headed to his apartment to get some sleep. Despite that, the clouds began to rain heavily. Soaking Akio's yellow jacket, "I should have brought an umbrella."

Soon enough, Akio entered his apartment with all his clothes soaking wet from the heavy pouring rain. He hung his wet jacket on his racket and took off his boots too. He left his wallet on his counter and went inside his room to undress.

Yoru was chilling near the window where she sees a blood moon, she comprehended, that it wasn't an ordinary blood moon.

"Come on, Yoru, let's go to bed," said Akio wearing a bunny pattern Pj's.

Yoru, jump off from the drawer and landed on his bed, ready to take another nap. Akio turned off the lights and wrapped himself in his blanket.

The raindrops caused Akio to feel somewhat relaxed, causing him to slowly fall asleep, "Hopefully, I don't have any nightmares again." Was his last thoughts, before he fell deep asleep.

Yoru stared at the sleeping Akio, she licked his forehead and fell asleep in his arms.

While they were sleeping, a shadow figure with demon horns was lurking in a dark alley, his red plum eyes, shine in the darkness. "Looks, like I've finally made it to the human world."