| Bizarre Morning

The half-open curtain, let the dawn sunlight enter Akio's room, brightening it.

Meanwhile, Akio was drooling over his pillow and snoring pretty loudly. Soon the sunlight shined his face, causing him to feel discomfort.

He turned his entire body on the other side of the bed, but suddenly he felt something warm hitting his face.

Opening his eyes, he saw Yarimin peacefully sleeping in his bed, holding Yoru, who is slumbering in their arms.

Akio rapidly retreated away from him, although he accidentally makes himself fall off his bed.

When he hit the ground, he made a loud 'thud' sound that could probably wake somebody up.

Straight away, he got up from the floor and checked if Yarimin was still asleep. To his surprise, Yarimin was still sleeping peacefully like a baby.

On the other hand, Yoru woke up, glaring at Akio for disturbing her slumber. Despite getting woken up, she didn't bother to move, given that she's lazy during the morning.

Akio heart happened to be beating at an abnormally rapid pace. He was completely confused about how Yarimin has gotten inside his apartment.

'Am I hallucinating things?'

He slowly approaches the unconscious Yarimin with great caution. The closer he gets to him, the more unsteady his body becomes.

His trembling slender hands eventually made contact with Yarimin soft skin. In less than one second, he departs his hand away from Yarimin's face.

'No way, how the hell did he get in here, and where's Prince!!!'

He began to look throughout his bedroom to find Prince, but there was not a signal sign of him.

Then something struck him like a truck, he turns his head staring at Yarimin with a frightened expression, 'Wait, it can't be was he disguised as a puppy the entire time, no I'm just going crazy!', He refused to believe the truth and excuses himself that he is just going insane.

Akio slowly takes several steps back until he stumbles into his desk. He grabbed a heavy textbook that was sitting on his desk and held it like a weapon.

Yoru noticed what Akio was doing, she instantly escaped from Akio's grip and hid behind Akio's leg, interested to see whatever is going to happen soon.

Advancing towards the sleeping Yarimin, Akio attempted to hit their face with the heavy textbook.

However, Yarimin snapped his eye open, immediately blocking Akio's attack by degenerating the textbook with his left palm. "You know you could have woken me up differently, then trying to hit my face with that book," he told him as he stood up from the bed sitting on his knees.

His puffy dark velvet hair was all over the place, "Man, my hair is messy." Moving his bangs back with his hand, exposing his forehead.

Akio realized that he was wearing his shorts, "Why are you wearing, my shorts you intruder!!!" He pointed out.

Yarimin stared at him, unfazed from his sudden yelling, "Oh, when I transform myself into a puppy, my clothes fall off, so I borrowed your clothes, although to be honest, your shorts are tightening my butt considering they're too small for me."

Akio glared at him, "Who are you, and what are your intentions, Yarimin!"

He laughed at his questions, revealing his heart shape smile, "Pfft, calm down, I'm not going to hurt you silly, plus I'm not going to do anything wicked."

Despite telling Akio that he's friendly, Akio didn't trust him yet, "You're lying, how do I know that you're telling the truth?!"

Yarimin felt hurt from Akio's harsh words, "Aww, I thought you would remember me from your dreams."

He left Akio, confused, "Wait, my dreams?" he mumbled out without knowing.

Yarimin thought for a moment tapping his chin, "Mhmm, well humans, do tend to forget their dreams easily, so maybe that's why you don't recognize me, or is it my disguise?"

Suddenly Akio throws all of his items from his desk towards the thinking Yarimin.

Still, Yarimin dodged them with ease, except he hit himself in the head by the ceiling. "Agh, why are these ceiling so low?!" rubbing his head.

Akio started to sweat in fear as he collided with the wall, trying to distance himself from Yarimin.

Yarimin sighs, crouching down, to Akio's height, "Look, I'm not hurt you okay, there's nothing to be scared of," Caressing Akio's dirty blonde hair tenderly.

Akio stared at him straight into his amber eyes, "W-who, are you?"

"Well, if you want to know, I'll show you my true self," Yarimin stood up, transforming in his demon form.

Red sharp horns appeared out of his head, his amber eyes, turned plum red while his pupils became similar to a cat's pupils. The most noticeable change is that he became taller by a few inches, which ended up hitting his horns by the ceiling. "Argh, stupid ceiling."

Akio was trembling by the demon who was towering over him, "De-de-demon." He stuttered.

Yarimin shakes his hands in a flashy way, "Oh um, ta-da!!!"

But he didn't expect Akio to pass out, "Ah, Akio!" He caught him with his hands, so Akio didn't hit himself on the floor.

Yarimin shrunk back to his human form, carrying the unconscious Akio in his arms "I guess he wasn't ready for it."

He laid Akio on the bed and covered his body with a blanket to keep him warm.

He sat down and took a closer look at Akio, he felt his cheeks heating up, "I hope, he doesn't despise me." He mumbled, brushing Akio long hair with his hand.

Then he remembered something, 'Oops, I forgot to pay my brother back, I hope, he doesn't kill me..."

Yoru meowed at him, making him face towards the feline, "Oh, hello," he said, waving hi to the feline cat.

Yoru hop on his lap, and all of a sudden, she throws up a hairball on Yarimin lap without a care in the world. Yarimin gave her a stern look, "At least you didn't throw up eyeballs on me." He then touched the hairball with his hands and disintegrated it into dust particles.

Yoru watches with awe, wondering where her hairball went.

Yarimin smiled, "Mhmm, you seem to be a curious one," petting her head delicately, causing Yoru to purr.

The two of them stayed there for a while until they heard someone ringing the doorbell multiple times.

"Ooo, I wonder who it is!" Yarimin stood up, making Yoru jump off his lap. Walking towards the door, he peeks in the little hole to see who was ringing the doorbell.

Yarimin saw a girl, with raven hair tied into a ponytail, spamming the doorbell, "Akio Kun, wake up, were going to be late to school if you don't hurry it up!" She yelled.

That made Yarimin panic, "Shit, I'm in big trouble."

Then an idea pop in his head, "Aha, maybe I can disguise myself as Akio, wait no, nevermind..."

"Akio kun, I can hear you talking. Can you please answer me, you're making a bit worried."

Yarimin gestures to Yoru to help him out, but Yoru being Yoru ignored him and headed somewhere else.

He quietly groaned, 'Guess I'll change my voice into Akio's.'

"Sorry, I don't feel well today, go ahead without me."

Toyo decided to give her friend some space, "Oh, alright, then, take care of yourself, Akio Kun." With that, she left, heading to school alone.

Yarimin sighed, in relief, "Good thing, she didn't get suspicious."

"Anyway, I need to find something comfortable to wear." He enters Akio's room and starts digging in his closet like a raccoon.

Eventually, he finds an oversize hoodie, holding it like he just found a treasure from a chest, "Aha, finally something wearable!"

He puts it on, already regretting it, "Man, it's tightening my shoulders and my chest too."

'I need to ask Akio to buy me some spare of clothes for my size once he wakes up.'

His stomach growls, and so did Yoru, they both stare at each other, "You want to hunt down some rats for dinner?"

Yoru nodded, her eyes glistening with excitement.

Yarimin giggled, "Alright, let's head outside and get some mice before Akio wakes up."

When they went outside, the cold breezing air hit their face, 'I think I'm going to like it here.' He smiled, gazing at the sky that is shined by the bright sun.

Meanwhile, Yoru ran off somewhere, ready to hunt down some rats.