Forgetting you, Lived a new

Andrea was affected to what she hear on the party, Dreb and Sam got engaged and planning to marry soon. she still don't forget about Dreb. She saw the news about their engagement. both of their families were rich and business partners. 

Andrea turned her attention to her phone and saw Jay's text message, Jay sent some emojis to encourage Andrea to still fight. No matter what happened to Andrea, Jay will still be there for her. 

It was a rainy day, Andrea plan to visit their company . She drove he car to their company, she was studying all about how to manage it. And she thinks she is ready to run her dad's company.

'Good Morning Mam"employee greeted her as her mom come to see her. "You're here"

"i have to visit Mom and i think im ready to handle this'

"you will"

Her Mom introduce her to their employees and they greet and accept Andrea with their warm heart. "We're looking forward to work with you Mam'

"Me too"

She finished to visit the company and went to the mall. She wants to cool her head and forget about Dreb. She is walking but unfortunately, she saw Dreb and Sam to a wedding dress boutique. She peeked and Sam is wearing a beautiful gown together with Dreb in his suit. They're a perfect matched, they looked like models on their outfits. 

Andrea left there and went to a ice cream shop. She loves to eat ice cream especially when Dreb and her eating it together. 

"i have to move on"She said to herself. She took a deep breath and eat her ice cream. Someone turned her attention when she heard a familiar voice. "This is your favorite right?"

"no"annoyed replied of the woman. "Maybe that's not me Dreb. maybe it's Andrea's favorite'

Andrea was surprised of what she heard and i quickly left . She was outside the mall when someone touched her on her shoulder. Andrea turn her back on that someone and see it was Dreb. The atmosphere got awkward and they were silent. "what?"Andrea asked him calmly. 

"this is your wallet right?'he handed the wallet to Andrea. "thanks"

"im leaving , just be careful of your things next time"he left and Andrea went to the parking lot to get her car. They didn't notice Sam saw them. 

" you'll regret this Andrea. You will pay for this"a desperate woman talk to herself.

"Sam? Let's go?"



"You have a meeting mam, with the Mendoza's." Andrea's secretary was telling her to remind her.

"okay, I will be there"

Andrea went to the company and saw Dreb was there. He was the new board member of their company.

"Hello Ms. Reyes" a smiled on his cheeck canes out. Andrea just give him a poker face and entered her office.

Dreb followed her "why are you here?"

"I'm here to work, we will be working together ams. Reyes" the conversation between them has tensions. It was so awkward and intense.

"you want to work here? With me?" she teased him but he just chuckles. Andrea stared at him annoyed but he gave Andrea a smirk.

"what are you doing Mr. Mendoza?" she asked annoyingly.

"Nothing, I hope we can work together as business partners and colleagues. Let's put the past behind" he reached Andrea's hand and they made a hand shake.

He smirk at her, "how annoying"

"I'm leaving then Ms. Reyes" he left and Andrea got so annoyed. On the other hand Sam was so angry finding out about being partners with Andrea and Dreb.

Sam went her way to Andrea's company. She went straight to her office. No bodyguards and no one is outsides Andrea's door. It was lunch break and some of the guards eat their lunch.

Sam didn't knock on the door and she entered.

"how Disgusting you are Andrea"

Andrea was on her laptop but stopped when Sam arrived. She looked at Sam and she made a smirk like how Dreb annoyed her.

"how dare you to smirk at me. No one dares to take my Dreb away from me. And you, how dare you to take him here. You're planning to steal him from me?"

"How desperate of you Sam, first no one is taking him from you. Second, youre the one who steal him from me in the first place. 3rd, he's all yours now. Leave or I will force you to go outside.

" You would never win. You'll loose. Whatever you do, you're a loser Andrea" she houted as she leaves the door.

Andrea held her head and make a poker face. She didn't know this would happen. News spread fast and she was on the news.

"The new chairwoman of the secret night perfume company had some affairs and she wants to get what she wants. A lady came to her company and telling the chairwoman not to steal her finance. What would the chairwoman feedback about this"

Andrea tooked a deep breathing after watching the news. The board and her held a meeting on how to stop this news.

"what is the meaning of this Chairwoman?" a board member asked her.

"That's fake news. We all knew that who ever sits in the position. No matter what, can't have any guys around him" answered by the chairwoman.

"but the news spreads fast as you the chairwoman is popular enough to hit the headline"

" I know that, we must deal it or ignore it."

"Sorry for being late" a man opened the door and find his seat. It was Dreb.

"what do you suggest Mr. Mendoza? How we should deal the fake news spreading today?"

"ignore it" he said straight

"We can't, it's a huge impact on the image on our company. You're at fault Mr. Mendoza o having a desperate finance"

The atmosphere was full of tension between them.

"Okay, I have to deal with this"

"lets make a conference. Mr. Mendoza will explain everything to the media"

"that's great, because his finance was the one who attacked the chairwoman"

The board member agreed and meeting was done. "can I talk to you chairwoman?" Dreb asked her but he declined it.

She leaves the room and went home.

"Sam what did you do? Its a huge impact on the company. You can't do that"

"I do what I needed to do Dreb" she hunged up the phone.

Dreb was frustrated, he didn't think Sam would do this. He was stress, and no one could talk to him. Someone pat his shoulder.

"Goodluck on the conference tomorrow Mr. Mendoza" Andrea smiled at him and left.

He stare at Andrea realizing what if he choose Andrea on the past.? What if she choose to stay for her?

A tear fell out on his eyes like a raindrops. He really regretted what happened between them.

"If I can turned back time Andrea I would choose you" he said to himself.

Andrea heard it and tears came out on her eyes. She made her decision, she will be moving on. It can be a distraction to her work and for the company. She choose not to be Inlove again.

Dreb went home and his mom was waiting for him in the living room together with Sam and her mom.

"Dreb, finally your here. Take a look, this is your wedding venue and the reception venue and also the honeymoon venue. What do you think?" his mom was happy saying it but he was tired and he don't want to talked about it right now.

"maybe tomorrow mom. I'm tired"

The three of them looked at Dreb while he's going upstairs. Sam's mom feel pity for him. Out of all the people here in the living. She knew what Dreb is going through. She knew Dreb still loves Andrea. But Sam is pushing Dreb to marry her. They are just scared what if Sam might get back to her old self and try to end her life again?

Dreb made again a sacrifice, he can't live with Andrea. He was stuck in Sam, he was helping Sam until now. He made a very difficult decision. He sacrifice his relationship just for Sam. He sacrifice his happiness just for the girl he really don't love.

Dreb closed her eyes and he fell asleep. After closing his eyes a tear fell out on his eyes.

"Andrea? You're here?"

"Yes, I have something to say mom"

"what is it?"

"I made up my mind"

"what is it Andrea?"

"I will forget Dreb mom. I will live my life without him. I will be happy to be with you guys" a tear came out on her eyes and her mom hugged her.

"that's good"

"I'm going to rest now mom" she go upstairs and lay on her bed. She was staring at her ceiling, her eyes were dripping now. Her tears was flowing like a river flowing.

"I will forget you Dreb. Starting this day. I will never ever gonna love you again. I will never gonna have feelings for you. I'm deleting you to my life. I'm erasing you, and I'm forgetting our happy moments together." she closed her eyes, with a tears.

" Finally, Goodbye Dreb "

Is this really the ending or their love story?

Find out more on the next chapter.

Enjoy reading keep supporting.