I'm a dad

Dreb's POV

I got off to bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and immediately went t Lena's room.

She's still sleeping, I walked towards her and looked at her face. She slowly opened her eyes and that cause me to walked backwards. I went out and of Lenna's room.

I started to prepare some breakfast for Lenna. I know this is weird and still I can't believe that Lenna is pregnant.

Lenna walked downstairs, and I smiled at her. I walked towards her and assisted her in the stairs.

"good morning, soon to be daddy" I got a weird feeling when she said those words. I just ignore it and smiled at her. I will take the responsibility of that kid.

"let's eat" i assist her to sit and we started to eat.

While eating she looked at me and started to speak. "let's get married Dreb" that causes me to stop from eating my meal.

I look at her seriously and I think she look so serious too. "Why so soon?"

"Uhmm I'm just thinking that we're having a baby, so why not get married?" she answer in a very serious tone.

"I know that Lenna, but I'm not ready to get married yet. But I promise I will take responsibility of the baby and you. I can assure you that"

"but I want us to be a family, I want us to get married"

"Lenna let's talk about it in the other day. I have to go to the mall" I loose my appetite and get my car keys and drive straight to the mall.

I'm in the mall when I saw Xander, I followed him because I have guts he's going to somewhere.

He went to a restaurant in my mall and it shocked me when suddenly he is with a girl. But that girl is not Andrea but another girl. I was so mad at him and I followed them. He even assisted the girl inside the car. I followed him, while I was driving I took my phone and call Andrea.

"the number you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area. Toot"

"why can't I contact her?" I asked myself while looking at my phone.

I almost lost my sight on Xander, I just followed him until I arrived at a resort. It's a hidden resort and it looks like they were staying here for this day.

I just stay on my car, they are now walking inside the resort. I call back Andrea's number but no one is answering. I was wondering what would happen to her.

Because I was worried, I went to her house. I was here but it says this lot is for sale.

"where is she?"

I drove back to the mall, I sit on my swivel chair here in my office. I was looking at my computer when suddenly Lenna called me.

"Lenna? What's wrong?"

"I'm going back home, in Mindanao. I want to be with my family again. If you don't marry me and they found out I'm pregnant. What would I do?" she was like crying

I don't know what I will do right now. I just know, I'm not ready to get married.

"Lenna, please calm down. Let's talk in person"

"no need Dreb, I'm here in the airport and you can't stop me" she ended the call. I was so surprised and stunned. When I got back to myself, I hurriedly get my car keys and drive straight to the airport.

"don't do this to me Lenna"

I'm here outside the airport, I hurriedly got off my car. I was inside and saw Lenna going inside the plane.

I run as fast as I could. "Lenna please don't do this to me" I shouted to her. She turned her back at me, all people are looking at us.

Lenna continued to walk, I walked towards her but the guard stops me. "please let me in, I can't let go of her. She has our baby"

"please let him in" the crowd said. The guard let me in. I run towards Lenna and hugged her in the back.

"don't leave Lenna, please"

"I want to get married" I stop and looked at her.

"let's do that" I smiled at her, the words I say puts a wide smile on her cheeks.


"yes, come on let's go home and let's plan our wedding" I said to her and took her suitcase.

I hold her hands and we went together in the car. We were inside the car as she hugged me and kissed me in the cheeks.

"thank you Dreb"

"I will do anything for you to be happy Lenna. Because I love you and our future baby" I smiled at her and hold her face. "don't do that again, okay?" I said to her. She just nodded and smile.

I started the engine and start driving.

When we got home I looked at her before getting off the car. She smiled at me as she got off the car.

"I'm exciting on our wedding Dreb" she said while smiling widely.

I know I have to feel happy but it doesn't make me feel happy. There's a part of me saying this is not a good idea. But I have to take responsibility of my child and the mother of my child.

I just sighed and went inside the house. She happily sat on the sofa and took her phone in the bag and searched for some ideas in a wedding.

"this looks good Dreb" she handed me her phone, I looked at it and it's a beach wedding. Beach wedding is great but I remember Andrea about it. She loves beach and in the past we had discussed about getting married in the beach.

"I think church wedding is perfect." I said to her but she shook her head and disagree with my plan.

"I want a beach wedding Dreb" she pouted her lips while saying it.

I can't refused to her request, I just took a deep breath and agree with her plan.

We also hired some stylist, and make up artist for her make up. We also looked at some wedding dresses and suites for me.

She wants my suite to be white, to be matched with her white long gown. I just agreed to her. I can't refused anything she said. I want her to be happy so she won't leave me and take my child away.

"okay let's do the wedding in the next 2 months." I said but she disagree again with me.

"I think we should get married next month. I would like to invite my parents to our wedding. And I want them not to know about my pregnancy. I what to get married next month so that my tummy will not be noticed by my parents. Please Dreb"

I just sighed and looked at her eyes. "Okay, we will do that" she happily hugged me.

I'm really worried right now, what would other people would say if they found out this? What would Andrea be thinking? Why I'm thinking again of her? I have Lenna and were having a child.

"Dreb, stop thinking about Andrea okay?" I was shocked what she said. My eyes widened and looked at her.

"I'm not thinking of her Lenna. I'm happy that you're with me. And we're together. We will have a happy family. I promise you that" I think she feel relieve and smiled.

She go to her room to rest, I was on my bed and yes, I'm thinking of Andrea again.

I slowly lay on bed and want to forget everything happen to us. I want to be at peace, without problems. "I want to rest" I said while looking at my white ceiling in my room.

I didn't noticed I fell asleep. As I opened my eyes it's already morning. I got off to bed and went to the bathroom. I weakly stand and face in the mirror. My face looks tired and haggard.

I think I'm stress about this wedding. This wedding is not well planned. I was wondering, why Lenna what to get married with me that fast. Marriage can wait, and I think she had a reason behind all of this.

"I hope I'm not wrong about her" I said while looking at the mirror.

When I finished to take a bath I walked downstairs and Lenna was there in the kitchen and preparing food.

I went towards her and hugged her in her back. I was holding her stomach and felt it's greeting big. In that moment I feel happy. I feel excited and want to see our future baby.

I let go of her and sit on the dining table and drink some milk. "let's eat"

She put the food on the table and we started eating. After we finished eating, I said goodbye to her and went to the mall.

I was about to go to the mall when suddenly my phone rang and it was an unknown number. I stopped the car and answer it.

"hello, who's this?"

"it's me Crystal" I was so surprised and happy that she called me again. After I left, I didn't have any news about her.

"where are you,?"

"I found Mellisa" that stops me and I drive fast to where the address she texted me.

To be continued..